Idle Are The Hands Of A Dead Man


Click, Whirr.
Oct 27, 2008
Canada... eh!
Often times I'll drive by the cemetery, think about dead people and how they would yearn to have the opportunities that I have right now. It always gets me motivated and gives me a sense of urgency. I got some polymer clay from the craft store and threw this together to have a constant reminder. It's still hot from the oven. :)


Work = Freedom - Hard work leads to Financial Independence, which in turn allow you freedom of time, choice, location, and thought.

I'll probably make a better one later on, just wasn't sure how the text would turn out, the polymer doesn't expand or contract at all when cooked I learned. Even my thumb print came out flawlessly, hard to see in the picture though..

Just felt like sharing, do you guys have any dinky little reminders that you get you working?

that's strange...

*edit* I guess it's not as strange as I first thought. When I was working in a Refinery in Baton Rouge I came up with my own mental saying: F.I.D.E.S. I've never told anyone what it means though.
That's an interesting, if not a bit morbid, motivator. One's own mortality is a fantastic source of motivation. I like your "work = freedom" quote, taped it to the top of my monitor.
that's strange...

*edit* I guess it's not as strange as I first thought. When I was working in a Refinery in Baton Rouge I came up with my own mental saying: F.I.D.E.S. I've never told anyone what it means though.

why not share?

[ame=""]YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]
Concentration camps crossed my mind when I wrote it, in the end it was true, those who worked got freedom from the allies. Those who work now get freedom from the system.

There's also nothing morbid about the contemplation of ones demise, it's what makes life worth living. If you're friends with your impermanence you'll worry more about the actions that bring a lasting impact, instead of wondering what's on T.V. tonight.

Zimok your threads are always interesting

I want to get a pottery wheel so bad but the shipping to Mexico would break me like a twig

Thanks :) Fimo Clay, you could get the smaller variation and still get to play with Clay type material. Fun to play with, the little tomb stone is the 4th thing I made since I had it.

that's strange...

*edit* I guess it's not as strange as I first thought. When I was working in a Refinery in Baton Rouge I came up with my own mental saying: F.I.D.E.S. I've never told anyone what it means though.

Don't be a mind tease, let us gain insight from your experience?
I'm going to guess, "Fight, In Death Everyone Succumbs."
Often times I'll drive by the cemetery, think about dead people and how they would yearn to have the opportunities that I have right now. It always gets me motivated and gives me a sense of urgency. I got some polymer clay from the craft store and threw this together to have a constant reminder.

It's only natural that a sense of urgency leads to home made pottery, there really is no more obvious a monument to accomplishment than an inspirational paper weight.

:2drinkspit:just bustin your balls man.
I’m willing to wager you are an artistically inclined person so you’re obsession with death is pretty normal. This is especially true after losing a loved one.

I share this in common with you. I’m also trying to work on banishing thoughts of death that arrive uninvited. That tombstone may motivate you but it is also going to send negative thoughts in motion every time you look at it.

Are you ready to cross the abyss?

If you wake up one day and are able to look at it without associating it with your own eventual death, you have beaten it. Then it’s probably time to smash it in ceremonial fashion.

However, be careful that it doesn’t beat you. Negative thoughtforms are known to manifest themselves in the outside world if you let them get powerful enough.
Concentration camps crossed my mind when I wrote it, in the end it was true, those who worked got freedom from the allies.

Yes and no. The majority were rotated out on a weekly basis and gassed with the rest of them and replaced by fresh workers.

Best to keep able bodies around for a short period of time until they start to get weak from lack of nourishment and then replace them with fresh able bodies. Most never saw liberation.

I don't quite know what that says about your motivational tombstone there... personally I'd rather have something like this as my motivator:

Yes and no. The majority were rotated out on a weekly basis and gassed with the rest of them and replaced by fresh workers.

Best to keep able bodies around for a short period of time until they start to get weak from lack of nourishment and then replace them with fresh able bodies. Most never saw liberation.

I don't quite know what that says about your motivational tombstone there... personally I'd rather have something like this as my motivator:


wallypower, absolutely amazing
It's only natural that a sense of urgency leads to home made pottery, there really is no more obvious a monument to accomplishment than an inspirational paper weight.

:2drinkspit:just bustin your balls man.

Bahahah!! Well put.

I’m willing to wager you are an artistically inclined person so you’re obsession with death is pretty normal. This is especially true after losing a loved one.

I share this in common with you. I’m also trying to work on banishing thoughts of death that arrive uninvited. That tombstone may motivate you but it is also going to send negative thoughts in motion every time you look at it.

Are you ready to cross the abyss?

If you wake up one day and are able to look at it without associating it with your own eventual death, you have beaten it. Then it’s probably time to smash it in ceremonial fashion.

However, be careful that it doesn’t beat you. Negative thoughtforms are known to manifest themselves in the outside world if you let them get powerful enough.

I'll get you by PM.

Yes and no. The majority were rotated out on a weekly basis and gassed with the rest of them and replaced by fresh workers.

Best to keep able bodies around for a short period of time until they start to get weak from lack of nourishment and then replace them with fresh able bodies. Most never saw liberation.

I don't quite know what that says about your motivational tombstone there... personally I'd rather have something like this as my motivator:


I know what you're saying, what I meant was those who worked(didn't give up) at the right time for the ally rescue got rescued. You're absolutely right though, most of them did die a horrible and senseless death. This is going way besides the point though, lol.

I've also had those cars/boats/houses backgrounds for a while, they did nothing for me. Left me thinking I was chasing empty materialistic goals. Works for some, doesn't for others.
Often times I'll drive by the cemetery, think about dead people and how they would yearn to have the opportunities that I have right now. It always gets me motivated and gives me a sense of urgency.

This is some fucked up shit. Hear me out please, as you're a good guy and obviously talented in the clay/pottery department, but still, you need to open your eyes.

Dead people (for the most part), if they could yearn, would yearn to be alive, to exist again, to be with their families, to experience all the wonderful things that this world has to offer.

They aren't yearning to bank in front of the PC my friend.

I think you're strongly confusing monetary enrichment through hard work with a "happy life". And it's got nothing to do with it.

You can't take "things" with you when you pass on. All you have is the positive influence you've left in the world (hopefully through your children, or close friends, etc). Your money gets dispersed when you go, your things eventually get sold off and become "things" to the next guy down the chain. Dust in the wind, buddy.

Don't confuse hard work with one of life's greater joys. It's a means to an end. Yeah, you can look at the yacht and think that will bring happiness. And it may, but that level of thinking is phony. I know many wealthy single guys who are unhappy, depressed, work is all they have.

Be sure to have a life outside AM. Know when to put it down. You're young (I think) so you can get away with the 20 hour days for now. Go for it, but remember there are more important things to being alive than banking hard.