Idiot proof screenshot capturing software??


New member
Aug 24, 2011
Western Australia
I'm using Hypercam at the moment to make screenshot video's. I have some experience with CamStudio (yes I'm that old). But I'm looking for something that's free and idiot proof for my technologically challenged mother. Hang on...did I just call my mum an idiot? Twice??

Seriously, any suggestions? What are you using, what have you used or can you suggest something to outright AVOID - I know there's some real shockers out there.

It needs to record audio as well as capturing the screen. She's going to be making slideshow video's for her blog...with commentary! (that's right, my 50+ year old mother has her own blog).

Yikes, I'm almost her age? I'm using Camtasia, but would not recommend it for a noob.
Have you tried Jing? I like it for basic video. As long as you've got a decent mic it will pick up your audio without a problem. It's really easy to use too and works great for recording slideshows.
Thank you kindly...I can't believe it. I was waiting for this to turn into a "yo Mumma" thread! Won't be long, I'm sure. hehe

Yeah, I like the look of Jing - why didn't I find that myself? I'm currently looking at the description that's open in another tab, that's a great feature being able to switch between webcam and screenshot at will. Would take a bucket load of editing work out of the tutorial vid's I make. Is there anything else I (or she) would need to be aware of besides the audio?

Jake - Even my 70 something Nana uses the computer. I think it's great to see my mum learning about widgets & html tags and stuff - and considering that she grew up with a b&w tv, in a time before mobile cellular phones...she's making me proud. So don't be worried about your age (seriously, what does it matter when it comes to IM?), I'm sure you put us whippersnappers to shame...
I use CamStudio too and it is relatively easy to use. Took me a short while to get the hang of it but now it's easy. The best part is that it's free so you can test and learn before spending money.
I'm going to go with camtasia myself because I use it and I find it pretty idiot proof. If you check youtube I'm sure you'll be able to find a good tutorial for the software that you are using. Like said above Camstudio is pretty easy, I know there is a tutorial for that one and its free.