Anything ecommerce related..
-that we wouldn't be able to read on all of the mainstream blogs.
-Surprising things you learned or things that proved you wrong
-things you wish you would have known when first getting started
1. Your not going to learn to properly split test, the reasons for why a test failed or succeed, and the metrics you really need behind it. You just gotta fucking do it and do it and do it and collect the data and examine all data points.
For example, everyone says that you gotta test the subject lines and CTR of the ad. So fucking what? Test based on the income generated. Period. I can craft an email subject line that says "Free T-Shirts with every order" and get a huge open rate on my subject line, but that doesnt drive sales as most people will just buy a $5 item.
ESPs like ExactTarget and others will tell you the subject line open % and CTR of the email ad, but not the revenue generated. I find the best open rate subjects lines are also the highest number of unsubs and will also have a low % of CTR from the ad, which the lowest subject line open leads to better CTR's. Either way, both metrics are DICK, go by revenue and find an ESP that will track it ( a lot wont ). Also, check the % of opens by ISP, if your on a whitelisted ESP and not inboxing Gmail and Yahoo, your fucked.
Im not trying to focus just on email split testing, but split testing on everything and tracking it to revenue. I could give 3 shits less if the color of my purchase button is orange and got 40% more CTR on it, if the user didnt end up actually checking out ( and instead abandoned ) then fuck that test.
2. Surprising and proved me wrong, that social doesnt sell. It does, you just cant always sell directly through it. Run a contest, gather up some names/emails and then sell to them later via email.
3. I wish I would have learned that everyone else, no matter their title/position/or experience, can be an idiot and wrong themselves. Believe in yourself and stick to your guns no matter who you are up against ( client, ceo, vendor, etc ).