Idea's for a makeover to my site?!


New member
Jun 28, 2009
Hello! So I tried my hands in affiliate marketing using all the hyped methods but the only thing I succeed with was making a website with ad sense. I have not made much but it has been running for over 1 year and I am at exactly break even. Maybe a few dollars in the green but either way.. I want to begin monetizing this website.

I look at other "blogs" and they sure do make my overall layout look like shit! What I am looking for is some suggestions or even offers on changing themse and layout of this website.

My website is and it is forex related. I would like to make it more like . On that website the adsense looks better and more surfer friendly. I also notice attempts at building a list which is another thing I would like to do.

So any suggestions have at it, I'd love to hear them all!

P.S. I do 'invest' not trade in the Markets so I could write some technical blogs and actual trading journals.

When I visited your site, I didn't know what action I should take next. Your site is very confusing in that respect - you're not telling the user what to do next. I would put a navigation area at the top of the homepage that says: "Learn about <Trading Systems> <getting started in Forex> <Trading Indicators> <Expert Videos>". That way, the visitor can pick a topic based on the exact thing he's looking for.

Next, you're creating a wall of bland text. Your adwords blends in, but it ALL blends in, which is boring. Make all the headlines orange or purple etc. On the navigation bar to the left, right under the actual links, put one of google's link units. People will be confused and will click on the ads as though they were your navigational links (cha ching). Within the articles themselves, embed the ad units below the first paragraph of the article - within the body itself (not before the headline, not just after the headline). Good luck!