I'd Like to Start Earning $$


New member
Jun 28, 2009

What can I do to start earning consistent money? I'm not looking to become rich by any means. Of course if I could finally see some sign of life and begin earning something with all the time I waste here at the cpu I would work harder and improve the results.

Do you know of any method I could do to earn a few dollars for my time? I'm looking just for a hobby to earn some extra cash. (Growing family but checks are stuck.) What are some things that can be done for earning money?

I'm getting to the point where I thought about buying a marketing guide from clickbank. Please help me save the $ I have!

I Appreciate any responses. I'm looking for help now because whenever I look for a MENTOR or start researching a method I end up following a different path and have no plan still. So this is the end of my method switching, ad chasing, and time wasting. I want something I can stick with!

...I end up following a different path and have no plan still.

There you go.

Just pick a 'method' and work that till you're profitable. Once you give up on one and try another you're starting from square one again and throwing away any information you may have learned on the last one.

There is a TON of information on this forum alone

If you need start up money to run PPC campaigns or whatever, start article writing and bust your ass doing it. You will no doubt loose a good bit of the money you start with. That isn't failure, learn why you lost it, and how you can tweak the campaign to loose less, or maybe even turn a profit next go round.
In my suggestion first think about what skills or knowledge you have, If you are good on content writing then go for it and make some cash by writing content. Just think about once before you invest on any online items.
If you are not good at writing content, w/e. just get good at writing great SALES COPY! Start doing some article marketing to build your war chest before you ppc. don't invest in shitty ebooks. If you want to buy something, get this:

the adweek copywriting handbook by Joseph Sugarman

or something like it. this one was recommended to me by a friend in college and i like it.

I have turned the $15 i spent on that into a lot of money. better sales copy begets more sales. i did a lot worse without it. practice practice practice.

you can use the 15 different versions of every pitch you write when practicing to submit to different directories to see what's working and gauge your progress. stick with this method and don't switch till you've been profitable for a while! it's way easier than it sounds believe me. just make sure to keep at it.

also search the forum for the article on whether or not article marketing is dead and read it a few times to get a handle on some basic promotion.

good luck bro.
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as far as copywriting resources go, I also check copyblogger out fairly regularly. there's a lot you can soak up there to directly apply to article marketing. (also a lot of stuff that's really only directed at people with well-followed blogs, but w/e)
If you are looking for consistent money, you are better off selling your skills. It could be content writing, design stuff, services like directory submission etc. They might not bring you lots of money, but will give you a headstart in earning dollars.

What can I do to start earning consistent money? I'm not looking to become rich by any means. Of course if I could finally see some sign of life and begin earning something with all the time I waste here at the cpu I would work harder and improve the results.

Hey, what are you doing at the cpu that is wasting so much time?

Playing games? Chat?

What do you enjoy so much that you would do it for free?

Start a blog on that topic.
Research the living shit out of that topic until you are an "expert".
Post everyday. 30 minutes typing the post, 5 hours of research.
Spread the word.
You'll get readers eventually and they will spread the word for you.
LASTLY, put AdSense on the blog. (do not do this first, duh).

hey, thanks for the responses.. Article writing and design is out for me. Since I can't do those very well. I've found a few different blogs, which have what seems to me a wealth of different ideas. I'm going to pick one of those and stick with it. NickyCakes and BlueHatSeo are two of the blogs I've been reading a lot of. BluehatSeo posts are a couple years old but still is giving me ideas.

I'd like to do something like directory submission, link building, or things like that but not sure what my edge would be for a pitch.

Either way, I'm still undecided as you can tell. Going to ponder for a week and STICK like glue to what I finally go with.

Blogging and ghost writing are good methods if you are good at writing. One time you have a high traffic blog, you can use adsense on them and earn money.
if u want to start earning then dont be a newbie and try out some of the method for earning like social bookmarking , manual dir. submission etc etc read about it first then try it out

the best way of earning money would be, BE HONEST.Then for sure you will be suceeded. You have to be skilled in any section and then start selling that service. All the best. :)
The first and most obvious option here is blogging. Start a blog, buy a domain on GoDaddy (.com or nothing) and use a coupon code to get it from anywhere between two and seven dollars, find a web host, install Wordpress, apply to some networks, explain your situation, and apply the things written on this forum.

Then your question is what your planning on blogging about that will gain some traffic and be worthwhile in the monetary sense. Write down a list of 15 or 20 things that you know enough about to write something on it every day (I shouldn't have to say that it needs to be exciting, readable information). Find the two or three that are the most profitable as far as the CPA networks are concerned, and go from there.

Brainstorm, Take notes, Enact, Implement, Work, Profit. You can't have one without the others. That's how the moneymaking game works.

You mentioned about wanting to do directory submissions or link building. That would be an okay place to start, but to get to the top of the game where you want to make a profit on your expenditures, you're going to need to study for it as if it was one of your hardest college classes.

Good luck to you on your moneymaking ventures!