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Oh wow...


Are you a big cat lover? How about Equines.... woooooooooooooahhhh Shit...

This is embarrassing, but I had an entry on there for Nachoninja's dog a while back.

"I can barely contain myself as I watch his furry little body waddle into the room with its little tail pointed to the sky. His mouth, naturally lubed with doggie drool and ready for penetration, hangs open with small delicious tongue hanging out....panting just for me. An involuntary shudder of ecstasy shakes my body as I recall the feeling of my fingers buried deep in the soft strands of his toupee as he looks back at me...waiting."
I've never posted here before.

I have been dating this beautiful blonde woman.
Everything has been excellent.
She is cute and funny and loves sex.
We hit it off instantly.

Last week-end I was spending the week-end with her.
And one morning, very nervously, she opened up to me.

She told me about her on going relationship with her german shepard.

I was dumbfounded.
I had never once thought of this or even remotely thought that it was a fetish.
At first I was utterly disgusted.
And I said some things I shouldn't have.

I have since taken them back.
It intriques me somewhat.

But I'm scared to make the first step.

I have a few questions.

1) is it safe?
2) is it safe for the dog?
3) what if someone I know finds out ?
4) is she technically cheating on me?
5) is she technically cheating on her dog?

Please help me out.
I want to fully please my girlfriend.
And accept her in her ways.
This guide is for those whom have questions on the anal penetration of K9's.

A couple of key points that will be emphasized as well:

2. It takes time and patience
3. If your dog doesnt like being anally rubbed or touched, dont do it.
4. A rule of thumb is NO dog under 40 or 45 pounds in weight
5. With female dogs, Never go from the Anus to the Vulva without washing yourself very well

In my experiance, both Male and Female dogs enjoy anal sex. There have been a small percentage of dogs that will not tolerate even touching under the tail.

As with anything else, it takes time and patience to work up to penetrating your dog anally. Start off with light touching under the tail and watch the dogs reaction.


If your dog is ok with touching, be slow. Touch your dog once or a few times a day with light rubbing or just holding against the anal area lightly. Be Slow. Do this for a few weeks and if he or she is still ok with it, with plenty of lubrication ( Water or water based lubricants, KY makes for an excellent source ), lubricate your finger and his or her anus very well and slowly attempt penetration by pushing your finger against and into the anus. Once again, if the dog is in discomfort or doesn't like it in any way - STOP and leave it be.

Continue with the well lubricated finger for a few weeks and work up to two fingers after a few weeks slowly. Then if two well lubricated fingers ( about the width of an average sized human penis ) is ok and the dog doesnt mind, try to insert yourself.

Inserting yourself can be done with the dog on his or her back looking up at you, or by mounting the dog and gently holding on. If your dog is ok with anal penetration, he or she will let you inside easily. If not - leave it alone

Always use Way more lubrication, if you think you have enough on the dog and yourself, use more

While playing with your dog, use lots of praise and love. They are your companion and after your done, dont just walk away - spend lots of time being close with them.

It is ok to penetrate fully and go without a condom, however if its not your dog or your not completely sure the dog does not have worms - use a condom.

Male dog tips:

Getting your male off first and then penetrating while he is cumming as well feels very good. The pulsations of his anus are from his prostate.

Rub him too while your inside

Female dog tips:

NEVER EVER go directly from her Anus to her Vulva. If your want to do both, wash yourself very well before even getting near her vulva area.

I would highly advise against trying with breeds smaller then a Lab or less then 40 or 45 pounds

If your dog doesnt like anal play, dont force it and move onto something else - there are always more things to do.

I have penetrated both male and female dogs many times

My female German Shepherd hybrid loved anal play very much among other things
Allergic Response To Intimate Interspecies Contact, Sex, Animals and Allergies

There have been questions posted regarding the possibility of allergic reactions during or after sexual contact. Having an allergy to the semen of an animal is very possible, and the introduction of semen into the mouth, vagina or anus allows fast absorption because of the nature of the tissue (mucus membrane). Penile contact with the vaginal or anal tissue of another species involves less exposure and may show symptoms of an allergic reaction more slowly, showing up after repeated experiences. If the contact is with the animal’s tongue, there can be a sensitivity reaction just because of the repetition. The tongue is intended in animal’s life to perform many activities. Irritation and tenderness will pass quickly; a cold pack will provide comfort if needed.

An allergic reaction can be expressed as a mild reaction, such as eczema, hives, hay fever and asthma. An Anaphylactic reaction can be life threatening, the entire system reacts. Noticeable symptoms are severe difficulty in breathing and a sudden drop in blood pressure resulting in fainting or loss of consciousness. This is a life-threatening Emergency, oral medications will not be able to fix this condition. Seek emergency help immediately. You do not have to reveal what precipitated the reaction. The treatment will be the same no matter what the cause. However getting dressed, if possible will help deter certain lines of questions.

The tendency to respond in an allergic fashion is an inherited trait. If you have had past allergic reactions, you are apt to be sensitive to more things in your environment. If you do have a history of allergies, proceed cautiously with this new erotic experience. Allergies do not get better over time, they get worse. If you have had an Anaphylactic reaction ever in your life, stick to movies…Since semen is a foreign protein, the body will most likely respond in a very life threatening way.

Treatments of Allergies are many and varied. Avoidance, medication, and desensitization injections (these shots take years to work and since animals can be removed easily from the environment, most insurance companies will not pay for them) Medication that is used to treat allergies are commonly called anti histamines. Over the counter medication include, Benadryl
(diphenhydramine) 25-50mg every 4-6 hrs, maximum daily dose is 400mg per day. Claritin (loratadine) 10mg once a day. Zantac ( ranitidine) 150mg twice a day ( yes, I know it is usually used to treat heartburn but it is also an antihistamine ) Barrier methods are not very effective as condoms are constructed for humans and the anti spermicidal condoms are irritating to the mucus membranes of the dog. There has been mention of an “EpiPen”, The active ingredient is Epinephrine, and this medication can only be obtained with a prescription. There are health risks inherent in the medication itself, and should be used only by the person it is prescribed, whose physician is aware of the person’s health history. Allergy symptoms get increasingly worse with each exposure to the allergen (whether it is semen, bee stings or pollen) .

To my knowledge there is no way to test for an allergy to semen pre exposure. I have read suggestions to try “scratch” tests with the semen, however the scratching itself can cause irritation and end up confusing the issue. Taking a small amount of semen and putting it on the forearm and covering it with plastic wrap and leaving it over night may help with the question of possible reactions. If the area is red or red and raised, proceed with caution.

If you have questions, I will try to answer them or leave you links to areas of information to read. The Forum is a great storehouse of information and support, both written and in the community.
This is embarrassing, but I had an entry on there for Nachoninja's dog a while back.

"I can barely contain myself as I watch his furry little body waddle into the room with its little tail pointed to the sky. His mouth, naturally lubed with doggie drool and ready for penetration, hangs open with small delicious tongue hanging out....panting just for me. An involuntary shudder of ecstasy shakes my body as I recall the feeling of my fingers buried deep in the soft strands of his toupee as he looks back at me...waiting."

Well thats understandable nachoninja's dog is the very definition of sexy. All other dogs beg for their owners attentions just so in case their owner ever gets a glimpse of nachoninja's dog-o-awesome they won't completely forget about them and drag their asses to the pound then tip the receptionist to make their dog's death extra painful. They just can't compete.

ps great guys! Now we'll probably rank for Gay Animal Sex Forum
If I understand the question correctly, what can you do so that your dog licks off your cock off.Do not use sweet things.Not good for K9`s.Use rather fish or meat paste, what you used on bread.Teach him that your sperm is the ultimate reward.You must have him likes your seed taste.he must associates it with your wanking session.later he must lick on its own without a substance on your penis.Some dogs also loves the taste of male human urine.Apply that also on your cock and you can teach your K9 some watersports adventures as well.
ok, so anyone that's spent any amount of time online knows that this shit goes on... But dear lord people, you're not only providing them with traffic by going, you're even giving them backlinks!!!

We're gonna go from being a Gay webmaster forum to being a forum that loves horse dick or chows doggy cock in no time!

Yes, people are fucked up!
Yes, it comes out on the internet!
No, you don't have to go there...
There's a reason why us pre-millennium users all laughed at dolphinsex.org, but we moved on!

You know what's really sad?
When I try to describe this place to my friends, I always end up saying "Well, it's 4chan /b/, but for internet marketing"
"It is ok to penetrate fully and go without a condom, however if its not your dog or your not completely sure the dog does not have worms - use a condom."

If its not your dog??? WTF???
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