Ibanez | Jan


fear not
Apr 12, 2012
its tougher than i thought to fuck with you because you never really post. you just do alot of "yeah" on porn pics and don't contribute jackshit. post real stuff so i can fuck with you, like maybe more than 2 english words sometimes. thanks.

i suspect a widdle tiff of outrage to come, how could it not?
Ibanez makes good stuff. My first axe was an RG 470
Drave, I've absolutely no idea what your problem is, but I know Ibanez | Jan for more than three years now, met him in RL and I'm pretty damn sure you're the sucker here.
Thumbs up for Ibanez from me too, any dude who has it in their name must be pretty decent :)

Semi recently picked up this bad boy:
Looks sweet

Ibanez action is the best in the biz; I can't get used to a Les Paul's chunky neck