I won a 4 year old domain from auction: won't index....


The Kwisatz Haderach
Jul 26, 2010
So I joined GoDaddy's auctions and won a four year old domain for dirt cheap. I was excited. I waited for it to transfer to me, and I've set up a site and got it rolling. But I've noticed it won't get indexed. Me, being naive, didn't check certain things out quite frankly because I didn't know how and didn't want to take the time to research it beyond a few forum searches...

Have I bought some shittastic domain that was already indexed and pissed on my Google? It has a sitemap up that has been pinged, and it has backlinks pointing to it. And it's not indexed. I've never had this issue.

Is there a way to see if it's in the can as far as Google is concerned? If so can I get some kind of reinstatement request going? Would they take pity on me, if I told them I bought it on an auction and didn't know to see if it had been treated poorly?

Help a brother out, please! I appreciate it.

it's happened to me too. if it's a keyword domain, build it out. hopefully it will come back and reindex. Worst case, put in a reconsideration request if the domain is worth it.
So let me ask this.

I DID just find it in the wayback machine. It has a good 40 articles on it from 2008. I couldn't see anything more recent. If I run those through copyscape and they all pass, is there any reason (besides ethical) to not copy pasta those suckers and rewrite a little bit and add to them? I'm not doing this, because it doesn't fit the format. I'm just trying to learn more about this old domain buying game.
I don't have anything good to ad to this post. However I'm curious to hear how this all pans out. Could be useful info for a lot of us to know.
Is it verified in google webmasters acount? the previous owner may have requested it be de-indexed
Any chance of having a robot text saying do not index ?

If not it could have faced any penalties. I see someone asking the same question webmaster central help forum, he also brought the domain in auction from godaddy.

Searching for "Google not indexing a new bought auction domain" should lead you to that page.
How long ago was it? I went through the same thing and it took a month. I actually sent in a reinclusion request and then about 2-3 days later it was indexed.

Don't think it had anything to do with the request though was just timing.
Well, I added four pages of content and finished off all other aspects of the site except adding more content. I'm impatient so I went ahead and did a reconsideration request. I told them I just bought the domain and restarted and I don't know what the previous person did with it. I'll let you guys know.
Okay, so check this out. They finally get back to me on Webmaster Tools and decide that one or more pages still don't meet Quality Guidelines. However, everything on there is brand new and unique. It has a sister site that has NO CONTENT on it at all with the same theme that has been indexed without problem. But they won't take the one I've fleshed out. This is some bullshit. I think they are just punishing the domain at this point, regardless what's on it. Only thing is that I put a scrapebox blast to it. Nothing on page going on.

Would any veterans who has dealt with this want to hit me up and see if they can find the issue. I am really clueless? I did things like use alt-text for images and crap like that. That's not hidden text or keyword stuffing. I just can't think other than scrapebox what the deal would be.