I will pay you $10 via paypal to get Eli's New Plugin to work for me

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Incongruous Juxtaposition
May 2, 2007
At the risk of sounding like a stereotypical woman, I am so not into programming stuff and have a problem that is driving me into the arms of another man - JACK DANIELS!!!

My tags are not showing up in several of my blogs (neither are the tag clouds but that is another story....)

Anyway I have uploaded the plugin so I know it's there but the links don't show up (as the plug in is supposed to cause). This would probably take someone who knows what they are doing 1 minute but I know people are busy so I wanted to offer something.

Please help! Respond here and or PM.

appreciate it....

Activate php 5. Put tags in the article one at a time, not separated by commas. Hit publish.
Now pay me.

it still sounds like cypriot greek to me :p, ;) ----where are the "activate php 5 directions". please PM your paypal address. also, nice blog
You can activate php 5 from your hosting control panel. It depends on which company you have. Look for something like php manager, and activate php 5.
Make sure to put tags separately, it took me a while to figure that out. So for example, put "give", add tag, "me" add tag, "linkz" add tag and publish. It should break down the whole blog since its pretty resource heavy. After it finishes scraping, the links are up there. If it lags, and no links show up, it means it has not found any blogs to ping, so dont bother, just make another post.
I dont want money, I was kidding.
I know my blog is nice, but noone else seems to like it.
I wish I could get it working too. Spent a lot of time yesterday trying to figure out the error and finally gave up. Would be nice...
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