I was wondering...

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consuming abusers
Aug 6, 2008
This isn't directly related to Affiliate Marketing, but could have to do with it. Say somebody had access to their neighbors wireless connection, could they in theory access their neighbors MAC through the Linksys router config and change their IP using the MAC code trick? I got a friend of a friend that asked, you know...?


Depends. With my cable internet I need to reset my cable modem after I do what your "friend" is asking about for it to work.
Right, I heard it could fuck up your connection, I'm personally scared to try it with my outdated Linksys 4-port router. I wonder if it has to do with the type of Linksys router you're using. Hmmm, the possibilities.
Hacking literally means "breaking". You need to break stuff to learn. Break 'em.

I hacked 1/3 of the wireless routers a few months ago around my house, with my cellphone. For no other reason other than the sake of hacking... *cough* And different ip signups *cough*
Not sure if you're trying to hack the guy, or just use his connection to get a new IP. If it's the second, there are easier ways of getting a new IP.

If you want to access his machine, as long as you have access to the network already you could try ARP poisoning. Basically, you trick his PC into sending your PC his data rather than to the router and vice versa, so you are acting as his gateway to the internet.

I can't see how doing this would make any (legal) money though, that's why I've given up hacking for the most part.
You are wrong man. Hacking can get you access to more resources, plain and simple. You don't have to do something illegal with them. You just utilize resources, like turning the university's computer lab into a botnet at midnight, or multiple IP's, or other nasty, but not illegal tricks. Did you know you can drop an alexa rank by 10k in a single night with a botnet? Neither did I a few years ago...
"Whatcha-ya gonna do? wannbe hacker? code cracker?, it's all about the Pentiums baby!"
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