I want to you, yes you fuck tard


WTF do I put here...
Nov 22, 2011
Ok here is the deal I have a small furniture company and bust my hump every fucking day to build my empire lol my business is growing but not fast enough since the wife has babies on the brain if you know what I mean.

I would love to have an affiliate program that worked! I tell everyone I know friends, family even customers if you get me a sale I will give you 10%

I even paid my web designer 10% of all sales off my magneto store for 1 year... he has a day job making good coin so not really motivated and he didn't know shit about SEO so first year sales only paid him about 5k... weak I know

So how do I set up a small time Affiliate program? Shit it could even be a Craigs list thing you post for me in your area get the sale I ship and you get $$

my average sale is $2000 so I figure one of you that know what you are doing could really make some good mula


To add to what dooogen said, also check out shareasale they have pay per call through ring revenue as well and I would imagine with a physical product you might get good results with a phone call first. If I were in your shoes I would join a couple private forums where you could learn how to promote your biz ... Or are you already promoting your biz?
Sweet thanks so share a sale has a $550 start up fee and CJ didn't say for sure but said rep would contact me and average of a few thousand for start up fees??? does that sound right? If so share a sale seems like a better deal. They also said that they have a better reputation wish Affiliates?

What do you guys think who is better? Or do you know a different program that you like better?

Keep in mind I am selling a high quality Fire pits made in USA and I am the manufacture so there is not a bunch of other sites with the same stuff...Is this kind of business even a good fit you AM?
Yes shareasale is better than CJ on so many fucking levels bro! CJ has been a pain in my experience but other people will tell you they love CJ.

And honestly, about your product, hard to tell, one thing to do is look for other people doing the same thing online. Then just do it better.
If you're doing shareasale, consider getting yourself an OPM. Costs are going to hurt upfront, but unless you have a dynamite plan for getting affiliates, this could be a better bet. Leverage their contacts to get affiliates testing you, watch carefully what they're doing and how they're doing it, then you can probably pull it in-house. If you're going the affiliate route though, your conversion rate had better be superb.

Whatever affiliate you get via SAS which will send any significant volume already has options which are paying out. You're going to have to beat their earnings per click to keep that business and you're not likely going to get a very long test or a second chance with an affiliate.

Part that has me wondering though is shipping - how far can you ship before your shipping costs erode your margins? People do quite a bit of comparison shopping so unless your products are extremely unique, you may end up stuck promoting local/regional. That isn't going to kill you with CPS affiliates, but you're not going to get much organic from them.
Ok here is the deal I have a small furniture company and bust my hump every fucking day to build my empire lol my business is growing but not fast enough since the wife has babies on the brain if you know what I mean.

I would love to have an affiliate program that worked! I tell everyone I know friends, family even customers if you get me a sale I will give you 10%

I even paid my web designer 10% of all sales off my magneto store for 1 year... he has a day job making good coin so not really motivated and he didn't know shit about SEO so first year sales only paid him about 5k... weak I know

So how do I set up a small time Affiliate program? Shit it could even be a Craigs list thing you post for me in your area get the sale I ship and you get $$

my average sale is $2000 so I figure one of you that know what you are doing could really make some good mula


I'd invest some money in in improving your website before launching an aff programme. (If it's this one: Fire Pit Table | Propane Fire Pits | Gas Fire Pit Tables | Fire Pits | Fire Pit Glass) There's a fair few things that would put me off spending $thousands through it. Sweet looking product though, I want one.
I tried having a cleaner title before but then it is boring and people wont look at it... I think most people got it was just for shock value... I know your not all Fucktards or Fuck tard :)
"I want to you, yes you fuck tard"

I would suggest split testing while monitoring certain metrics. As an example this first thread asking for help while insulting the people you were asking for help we will call "A".

"A" Results:
13 posts 3 being yours = 23% talking to yourself.
10 replies over 20 days = .5 reply per day, well below average.
7 replies on topic = better than average.
Outing your domain = priceless.
Correcting "fuck tard" = While adding nothing to your bottom line is quite funny.

Maybe for the "B" element of the split test you could alternately slap forum members children while questioning the legitimacy of their lineage. Remember to record the results in order to determine the winner.

"I want to you, yes you fuck tard"