I want to learn more about display advertising - enlighten me!


corporate hustler
Oct 11, 2008
So, I am pretty proficient in both PPC and SEO but really want to learn more about display advertising / media buying etc.

What are some good sources / books / blogs to follow and/or read?

I know this is the hated on response around here, but I'd really say to see if you can get a job at an agency getting paid to learn using someone elses cash.

My brother took a job as a junior planner 5 months ago at a big agency and he had way less experience than you have and now he's killing it on an account with 100 mil a year budget just for ad spend while learning all aspects and all angles plus getting to know all the big pubs and networks while they spend thousands on dinners and recreation for him and his team.

The amount he now knows about all sides and aspects of planning and buying is fucking ridiculous and with the connections he now has we are gonna start doing some great stuff very soon.
Start from this forum, man! Maybe I will surprise you, but here is not only trolling and naked boobies:)))