I want to learn affiliate marketing.. Any guide?


I'm a freelancer writer, 25 years old want to make money through affiliate marketing. I read many terms related to affiliate over web but still i need some guidance. From where i can start and what are the things that i need to consider. Genuine replies will be appreciated.


Affiliate marketing has many ways of approach but generally, it boils down to these three things.

Product + Traffic + Conversion = $$$ SALES $$$

1. Product. How to look out for good products that people may want to buy.

2. Traffic. If you can't drive traffic to your page, no one will be able to see your product.

3. Conversion. Convince them to purchase the product.
Since you are a writer a good way to get started is to start a blog on a subject you are most knowledgeable in. Write articles, get your pages indexed... make sure your readers can share your articles on the major social networks (Facebook, Twitter, etc...)

Work on building your blog before you start worrying about monetizing it... then pick some products and/or services related to your subject to advertise.
That's lot of demand for article and good writer could earn a fortune. Now, asking yourself why not you put in your effrot to get more project instead of switching to another path?
What programs are you trying to use? What products? They may have guides. Learn from that. If you they provide you with an Account Manager, you can ask them for directions.
Hello, Travis Sago provides some great low-cost affiliate marketing training. But by far the best way to learn the affiliate game is to just jump in and start learning through experience. Choose a focused niche/product... build a simple site (HTML or WordPress)... and begin promoting it. You'll learn more in 3 months than you would in 3 years of reading affiliate marketing books. Also there are tons of resources. Try YouTube. If that doesn't keep you busy for a few months then try doing a search for "free affiliate marketing course".
Hope you will find the best way to learn affiliate marketing ASAP.
Thanks. Have a great day. :)
Affiliate Marketing is basically selling someone else’s products or services and then in return, you receiving a commission for doing so.

The concept of ‘Affiliate Marketing’, is that you get paid when you sell or promote someone elses product.

As I am sure you can imagine, this is a very attractive proposition for many people, especially if you have a website but do not have any products or services of your own to sell
Affiliate Marketing is basically selling someone else’s products or services and then in return, you receiving a commission for doing so.

The concept of ‘Affiliate Marketing’, is that you get paid when you sell or promote someone elses product.

As I am sure you can imagine, this is a very attractive proposition for many people, especially if you have a website but do not have any products or services of your own to sell

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