I want help!

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If anyone is in this dude's town, I would take him up on the offer actually. Give some tips on PPC in return for my laundry being done and shoes being cleaned? I'll take it.
I'm looking for someone in Australia preferably in Melbourne who is willing to give a newbie some help.
In return i can offer to do some shitty time consuming tasks for you.

If you're not looking for help with anything to do with legitimate internet/affiliate marketing, HarveyJ might be able to help. I think he's holed-up in Melbourne.

You can repay him by helping him spam his "network" of scam sites all over teh interwebs.
Hello friend,

The first step is for admit need help.

Now you admit next step is for find help.

Good luck bro
Is Jon advertising on DigitalPoint again, been lots of these lately.
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