I want a netbook

I got an hp mini 1035NR with the 16gb SSD.

Only bad thing i can say about this netbook is... Windows XP sucks hard for performance, don't know if its the same with the model that comes with a normal hard drive. But seriously, it was freezing every 10 seconds and the ssd light would always be going off.

Putting on windows 7 or linux (i tried jolicloud) fixed the performance problem, so if you get this netbook don't use windows xp on it since the performance of the ssd sucks hard on this operating system.

Other than my complains above, the netbook is fantastic. I especially love the keyboard, wish the fan was a little quieter though.
EEE PC (Asus) HE1000

7 hours battery life (it advertise 9 hours), keyboard FUCKING ROCKS, isn't cramp. I have matte would prefer glossy screen. Uh it runs window XP.

I like it, don't regret buying it. Nothing beats taking a shit while surfing on your netbook.

ALso you can run windows 7 just fine on it.
i don't think there's much difference. they're all basically the same inside. atom cpu, 160gb hd (or ssd), 2gig ram. pretty comes down to which one you think looks the best.
^ exactly. Next year they'll have dual processor, yaaaaa! The samsung n10 looks sick.

The netbook market right now is basically the same shit, just tiny different features.
Whats the main advantages to a netbook vs a laptop? Just smaller and easier to carry? If that's it, I'm fine with my laptop. Whats the craze about netbooks I'm missing?
Whats the main advantages to a netbook vs a laptop? Just smaller and easier to carry? If that's it, I'm fine with my laptop. Whats the craze about netbooks I'm missing?

Well, most people don't even need a full fleged laptop for what they do on the go so it's a great option for them. I personally would rather pay a few hundred more and get something with some balls but that's just me.
Well i mean i have my wired computers and main laptop, but when i am on the go i am not doing heavy editing or anything that would require a lot of specs.
HP Mini as well - put OS X on it - it has the 16gb ssd - no moving parts in it.

Good quality - low price . . buy it and move on . .

the attraction to netbooks is they are small, light, and functional . .
Whats the main advantages to a netbook vs a laptop? Just smaller and easier to carry? If that's it, I'm fine with my laptop. Whats the craze about netbooks I'm missing?


light weight
longer battery life
cute :)

Still waiting for my 2 weeks battery life on a netbook.
I have a Toshiba laptop. I got it because of airplane rules about 1 personal item and 1 carry-on. So if you carry a purse, as I do, that means you cannot bring a laptop case.

Anyway, mine fits in a big purse and I can stuff normal purse stuff in there too.

Mine runs XP ok.
Just watch out for the keyboards. If you've got anywhere near man size hands, they can be a bit tricky and take time to getting used to. I'd shop around in stores so you can actually check out the keyboards, alas, i'm 6'4 so these things matter to me, maybe not to you :)
I'm selling my lenovo s10. I really have no use for it as I can't even run xrumer on it. 2GB ram, 160gb. It's good to browse and check stats etc etc.
wtf are you talking about? the mbp is built for portability.. I have the 13" and I love it, I get 7+ hrs battery life too.