I think..

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Uber Rex
Jun 26, 2006
It's pretty crappy that my post about that contest was removed?

What happend to the anything goes rules? Guess that goes by the side when someone else is doing a big contest ehh?

I guess that means I can stick it in my sig then ? Would you rather 1 thread about it or see it on all of posts in many threads?

Not trying to be a dick, but it wasn't just spam.
I already sent you a PM about this. And yes, you are being a dick about it.

There are so few rules, so why can't you just follow them?

For everyone else who can't read..

6- No forum promotions whatsoever, this DOES NOT include signatures. I don't care if you own it, or your friend owns it. No advertisements for other forums are allowed without written permission from Jon.

That was taken from the rules that are on top of EVERY category page so that you can follow them and not give excuses.
Your Mr. Anything Goes not me. And no it wasn't spam, it was information about a contest. Kinda like when others share the info about your contests on this site with other sites.

And no I'm not being a dick, aparantly you don't like a debate.
rex_b said:
Your Mr. Anything Goes not me. And no it wasn't spam, it was information about a contest. Kinda like when others share the info about your contests on this site with other sites.

And no I'm not being a dick, aparantly you don't like a debate.

Yes, you can have your own contests.. as long as it doesn't violate the rules, which it did. I'm not sure why you are trying to start up with me, but there really isn't much to debate. You made a contest about ANOTHER FORUM, the rules say you CANNOT PROMOTE ANY OTHER FORUMS WITHOUT MY PERMISSION. You never asked for my permission, so in turn, you violated the rules. I removed your warning too because it's the first week and I'm not issuing any warnings to anyone. Next time, if you are going to do something you think MAY cause some type of issue, read the rules and then post according to them. It's really just that simple.
Now we are getting somewhere.

Let's say I blogged about "Forum Contests" in general, and within that blog I had a list of forums doing a contest. Could that be posted?

Remember you gotta think outside the box ;)

Just laugh it's funny.
Get over it. Both of you.
REx hasn't followed the rules, but he probly won't break 'em anymore. (If he will post here anymore at all).

Calling people wankers or Nazis ain't gonna help make this place a decent one to read.

rex_b said:
Congrats. You wont the award of being the Nazi of the day.

*I too can stoop to the level of a 2 year old.

I don't think 2 year olds know what a Nazi is.. but they know what wankers are! I win again!
I'm not gonna take sides in this nazi&wanker orgy, but rex heres something you should consider.

You can't win.

Face it, Jon owns these forums so if it comes down to it he can just ban/suspend you, and everyone else here is just gonna suck up to him because they spend all day drooling over his paychecks and for some reason think that making him like them will help them in some incredible way.
Well here's my $0.02

Rex probably shouldn't have made whatever post that he did, because it is against the rules...which are pretty easy to find. Rex also shouldn't have made a new public thread about it...that rarely solves any problems...it would have been better to PM Jon instead.

Now...if I were Jon, I would have closed the thread long ago...but then again, maybe things are different here because "anything goes". Also, regardless of how stupid or a pain in the ass a member might be, I don't think it's ever right for an admin to call one of his members a wanker. Not only that, but continue to egg him on, call him a wanker again, and then make snide remarks like "I win again!"

I know you might care less, Jon...but you're going to scare away a lot of good, quality members with this kind of stuff...Maybe this is just your policy at WickedFire...to call members you don't like wankers and make fun of them in front of everybody else, but you've got to realize that you're dealing with a bunch of webmasters here...people who are accustomed to a certain forum etiquette, and this is not it.
GTAce said:
Well here's my $0.02

Rex probably shouldn't have made whatever post that he did, because it is against the rules...which are pretty easy to find. Rex also shouldn't have made a new public thread about it...that rarely solves any problems...it would have been better to PM Jon instead.

Now...if I were Jon, I would have closed the thread long ago...but then again, maybe things are different here because "anything goes". Also, regardless of how stupid or a pain in the ass a member might be, I don't think it's ever right for an admin to call one of his members a wanker. Not only that, but continue to egg him on, call him a wanker again, and then make snide remarks like "I win again!"

I know you might care less, Jon...but you're going to scare away a lot of good, quality members with this kind of stuff...Maybe this is just your policy at WickedFire...to call members you don't like wankers and make fun of them in front of everybody else, but you've got to realize that you're dealing with a bunch of webmasters here...people who are accustomed to a certain forum etiquette, and this is not it.
Relax man. Life is not that serious... if you worry too much, you'll never get out of it alive.

If he wants to call the guy a wanker, who cares? It's not like he put him on the spot and publically embarrassed him.
GTAce -

I closed his thread pretty quickly. And for calling him a wanker, he was acting like one so I said it. I don't hold back because I don't want the members to hold back either. If there is an issue, we will resolve it on here, whether it be on public forums or in private messages. It's much better that way than leaving one side extremely pissed off. I won't ban or suspend him just because he decided to have a debate about it. He has his opinions and I have mine.

As you can see, we both cooled down afterwards and it's already been settled. I'm not some God, and I certainly don't want to be treated like one. If I did, I would make an ebook and call myself the Guru Expert of the world. People can get into fights or debates with me just like they can do with other members. We are all human, and arguing is something we do. No one here is perfect and no one should be treated like they are. It's not like I called him something super terrible either.

Either way, this is all silly now, so I'm closing the thread. If you want to argue with eachother, go to the Shoot the Shit area and argue until you all get Carpal Tunnel.
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