I suppose this could be a n00b question. Keyword tool for youtube, yahoo, etc?


Haters gonna H88
Sep 24, 2010
Los Angeles, CA
So I've learned alot and ranked more than 40 keywords in the top 3 in google. One of which has 25,000 exact monthly searches. So I'm doing something right. But instead of looking, I thought maybe I'd post here to see if someone had a compiled keyword tool list which would show the exact monthly searches per month - day or year for a desired keyword.

1. Maybe youtube?
2. Maybe Yahoo (I think Bing/Yahoo are the same)?
3. Any other popular engines?

Although google generates the most traffic, I have no holdings in those engines and suppose its time to dominate those. If anyone has info on how to get an idea on a search term for these sites, do post :)

You could check out the free version of WordTracker, but I am not sure how they got their data and I have found them to be inaccurate sometimes.