I need some help on PPC + CPA :( or.....

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Not black.
Nov 28, 2007

noob here!!

i've been lurking aroudn this forum

i like the athmosphere here ! :)

fuck fuck!


i've seens some people making some serious cash with PPC + CPA.

could someone give me some ideas about this?

or. are there any other CPA methods other than torrents?

Thanks! :p

and how do you guys make money with cpa?

WTF I don't read centered text
...also theres a newbie section use it
Yeah, there's HEAPS of CPA programs that aren't torrents... the A stands for "Action", as in the action that gets taken by the end user to submit whatever is required for you to get paid.

There honestly aren't that many torrent programs either. There's about 3 different programs, from 9 different programs, from about 3 different providers... and a bajillion different LPs for them is all...
And that's coming straight from a guy involved with one of the providers.

Anything where people buy something is a CPA campaign.
Drop shipping is pretty much the logical end point of online CPA marketing, and there's a fair few drop shipping programs on JumboAffiliates, although that's an Australian group. I don't really know much about drop shipping programs outside of Australia as it's not useful for me, but I'm sure some other's know and will help if you ask nicely.

The reason why there seems to be so many is because they make GOOOOOD money...
* Every minute, 100 new people start using the internet. 90 of them will want shit for downloading, 50 of them will go to iTunes, and only 15 of them will be smart or motivated enough to bother looking around and realize that there's plenty of it for free...
That leaves you 25 people who'll fork over $50 thinking they just outsmarted paid providers. Of those, 23 will actively use the "tech support" they're actually paying for as part of the membership to the torrent programs...

But if you want some help on a torrent based CPA campaign, then sign up to my group (it's in the sig), add me on MSN, and we'll get moving on making you some money...

*Not an actual statistic
I think maybe he was referring to the method of making money with CPA offers by uploading passworded torrents and then making the person register somewhere (cpa offer) to get the password, which is NOT a good way to make money because the traffic from torrents SUCKS and you will get in trouble and possibly not paid.

So to answer your question, PPC IS a good way to make money from CPA offers, if you take the time to test what works and what doesn't work. Read and test, thats my best advice.
Torrents are the only CPA method. if you can think of another you could be the next billionaire.
but, idk where to start ...

i'm scared of ppc :(
Scared of what? get some free credit vouchers and use those.
You may have to make a small deposit but that's no big deal.

I Suck at PPC but I'm trying. I used my $100 voucher for yahoo and once that runs out, I'll decide if I want to continue with PPC or find another way.

Scared Money Never Wins!
Dude if your scared to lose money then your scared to make money. If you don't ever take a risk then how do you expect to make money? If there was an easy free way to make money with out risk. don't you think everyone would be doing it? Take risks don't be a fucking pussy. And btw wtf is up with the centered text?
Well, there are always offline ways to drive traffic to a site... Some of them are cheaper than PPC, or at least substantially more efficient.

Are you in college still,? Or even live near one? Try the info in this thread: http://www.wickedfire.com/traffic-supreme/29018-getting-them-college-kids.html
The same info works if you have a job in a large office building with a notice board according to one of my subs (although not quite as lucratively)
If you live in a large town, do it with flyers instead, and hand them out to people at concerts or something...
PPC sucks really... throw on a chicken suite with a sign that reads "WEBSITE.COM - FREE GAY XXX" and have website.com redirect to a gay site... Your golden!

... you think im kidding...
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