i need some help figuring changes in a site..

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New member
Sep 26, 2007
so basically what i want to do is - my school uses colors to indicate if a class is open or closed.

green means class is open
red means it's closed.

i wanted to know if there is any sites which would track changes and notify you via email of the change - kind of like the service which notifies you if a site is down.

or can i create some sort of macro which will periodically check to see if red turned green and send me an email?

only problem is:


when u select a major - it doesnt have a static url - it takes you to the above link.

this is the site:
Rutgers University - Online Schedule of Classes

any suggestions?

You'll have to write a cUrl script to POST the info that you want and read back the page, then scrape the table you get back and look for what the colors of the table are set to.
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