I need some adlogger php help

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Jan 20, 2007
I was installing adlogger and during the requirments verification I received a warning for the PHP GD library. It's php 4.4 which comes with php_gd2.dll.
What do I need to change to remove the warning?

I know this is a newbish question but it seemed more appropriate for here....


Find that line in php.ini and remove the ; and you will be good to go
right I know that much at least I thought i did but when removed the semicolon it gave me an error about not finding it at all so I placed it back..but I still get the warning when I try to install ..that's when I decided to make the thread...
you're running it on a windows server?
the ext (extension) location must be wrong if it's saying it can't find it
okay when I remove the semicolon it says

Unknown(): Unable to load dynamic library './php_gd2.dll' - The specified module could not be found

Edit:yes it is on windows
okay..I have it installed elsewhere But I really would like to ix the problem on this installation so I can test it / tweak it.

I've been reading a bit about adlogger some people are saying it's useless ..Is there something else that I can test ?
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