i need pay per lead explained

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New member
Aug 20, 2008
so ive done regular affiliate marketing... i keep finding out new ways to make alittle money, and ive been trying to figure out shit on pay per lead. In my understanding it pretty much goes like this

make a sweet landing page with some sort of form on it
do ppc and get people to go to the page and fill the form
then you make money

but i feel like this sounds to simple so i come here to see if you guys can help me get a better understanding with the art of pay per lead.

lol yea thats about it. i dont think it necessarily has to be a "form" though it could be some other bullshit
That's all it is, here's a quote to help you understand why it's so simple.

“Half the world is composed of idiots, the other half of people clever enough to take indecent advantage of them” - Walter Kerr
That's all it is, here's a quote to help you understand why it's so simple.

“Half the world is composed of idiots, the other half of people clever enough to take indecent advantage of them” - Walter Kerr

half and half? more than 99% and 1%
now do i compose the code for the form myself or will the affiliate provide me with one?
You'll usually have the form hosted on the merchant's own server, and you get to link to it with your affiliate id. You'd create a sweet looking landing page that encourages people to click through to that page and get people to fill in the form/put in their credit card/place appropriate action here.

You don't need to create your own form, although I think that it's a possibility.
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