I made an MVP. How do I promote it?


New member
Mar 18, 2010
That is an eternal question.

I find my project very stupid and unusual. It's called "Would You Do It For A Dollar?". In simple terms: people can visit your profile and ask "would you ______ for a dollar?", like "chug a beer", "dance in public", "french kiss person X"... Then you fulfill the request and earn $1.

The project seems fun and potentially it could go viral, I really feel like it could attract people. I have a problem with marketing, not sure how to start promoting it. I was thinking about:

- Ads - that is obvious. Pay for ads, but I don't have a big enough budget to make any impact. FB ads would be useless since this project is for youth, not really for older generations

- Promote on TikTok - that makes sense. I was thinking about creating a profile and start gaining followers. But that doesn't mean that in the future I will be able to convert my followers to website users. Also it doesn't mean that I will gain a high number of followers and it might take a lot of time. I'm 30 years old and I don't feel like dancing around in the app or doing some crazy stuff

- Influencers - also an obvious move but they are all asking a huge amount of money for advertising

- Blog - maybe, I don't know? How that can attract potential users

I'm not really sure how to start and how to promote it. What is one thing that I could do daily to improve my chances?

Dude, it sounds like you know what to do. TikTok in this case would be highly effective. It's all a matter of positioning and how to present your product
Don't spend any money for ads on this. You (or your friends) have to start using the product first, make fun videos about it and post it on tiktok, youtube, instagram, etc. Then post the video links on reddit, facebook, forums, and other sites.