I made a Wordpress Plugin... And I don't know why


Wordpress Guru
Oct 4, 2009
I have been ill for about 4 days now. Today, I woke up feeling ready to get back at it.

For some reason while I was sick, I though of a plugin idea. I made a plugin that allows users to create custom sidebar locations in addition to their predefined theme sidebars. However, these newly created custom sidebars would then be called via shortcodes in post or pages.

I'm not quite sure if this will be useful to anyone, but if anyone enjoys it or finds it just as silly as I do now... let me know. I may have just wasted 2 hours of my life....

Shortcode Sidebars | JG Web Development
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I've often had the problem of trying to tweak a certain post or page so that it would have no sidebar. Like if I wanted a certain page to be a landing page or squeeze page. But if I'm understanding your plugin correctly, maybe I could use a single column theme so the default would be no sidebars, and then use your plugin to add sidebars wherever I wanted them? Could be useful for that.

Then again I don't really know what the fuck I'm doing and I often end up doing workarounds for stuff that should be simple. Maybe there's an easier way.
I have been ill for about 4 days now. Today, I woke up feeling ready to get back at it.

For some reason while I was sick, I though of a plugin idea. I made a plugin that allows users to create custom sidebar locations in addition to their predefined theme sidebars. However, these newly created custom sidebars would then be called via shortcodes in post or pages.

I'm not quite sure if this will be useful to anyone, but if anyone enjoys it or finds it just as silly as I do now... let me know. I may have just wasted 2 hours of my life....

Shortcode Sidebars | JG Web Development
I'll buy the rights from you for $25
I've often had the problem of trying to tweak a certain post or page so that it would have no sidebar. Like if I wanted a certain page to be a landing page or squeeze page. But if I'm understanding your plugin correctly, maybe I could use a single column theme so the default would be no sidebars, and then use your plugin to add sidebars wherever I wanted them? Could be useful for that.

Then again I don't really know what the fuck I'm doing and I often end up doing workarounds for stuff that should be simple. Maybe there's an easier way.

Easyt to do wif this plugin WordPress › Custom Post Template WordPress Plugins sory been drionking again.

All you do is creatye a post templat the same way you wopuidl a page template and you arte good to go.