I made a movie

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Dude, that looks awesome. I know some amateur film makers, even some that are semi-successful, and their stuff looks like complete shit compared to that camera work. Nice job.
Thanks guys, it was a blast making it.

It was edited on Final Cut yeah - my sister actually was the camera operator & is editing. I wrote, produced and directed it.

Anyone got any leads on web designers or graphics artists who might be into horror films, and would maybe take on building a website for the film as a passion project? Keeping in the indie guerilla film spirit by doing it for a lot less than they'd normally charge.

I have a couple of people interested, a couple of graphics artists, a php/html coder & a flash guy - but I need someone to kinda be the lead.
Looks like you did really well with the lighting; the shot running through the woods (0:43) looks good, too.
darb - how many cams did you shoot with, and what did you use?

Looks very good, great quality video..
darb - how many cams did you shoot with, and what did you use?

Looks very good, great quality video..

We used 1 camera, the HVX 200 with a Redrock 35mm lens adapter. We used 4 different 35mm film lenses on the HVX, which gave it a nice film look.

We had a pretty sweet lighting setup as well, I rented about $100,000 worth of lighting and electrical equipment. Got a sweet deal for it all too, the woman who ran the equipment place gave it to us for about $8,000 for the 3 weeks, including a huge generator and all the fixins.

Using only 1 camera meant the actors had to be well rehearsed. We had such a tight shooting schedule, that we usually only did a couple takes...I think once or twice we got past 5 takes.

It was a blast though, made the whole thing with $50,000 in 23 days - post production is another story though, that's starting to cost more money than the production has raised.
Voted for being better than million dollar budget films coming out these days.
Thanks guys!

Also if you are interested in the behind the scenes of this, check out the fan page (link at the beginning of the thread) for some updates and pics and stuff I added recently.

Appreciate the funny votes on FOD - we haven't started up the marketing campaign yet, I'm just doing a little pre-buzz through my personal social network at the moment.
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