I love the oatmeal

So what's your point? An alligator isnt much "higher" off the ground, doesn't mean it can't kick your ass all day long and twice on Sunday. Raptors were able to pounce, soar at their prey, you wouldn't last long against even the small one...
So what's your point? An alligator isnt much "higher" off the ground, doesn't mean it can't kick your ass all day long and twice on Sunday. Raptors were able to pounce, soar at their prey, you wouldn't last long against even the small one...

LOL at you trying to teach me about dinossaurs. I used to work on a museum lab and reconstructed many fossil eskeletons including a velociraptor and a deinonychus.

Almost all of its fossilized bones passed thru my hands so I think I know a little bit about it...

Me finishing the restoration of a Lourinhanosaurus Antunesi fossil femur:


Deinonychus (velociraptor's big brother):

Yes your description of raptors having "big, pointy claws" was truly memorable. You know your shit!

Bend over, I'll give you a bone for your collection.
Yes your description of raptors having "big, pointy claws" was truly memorable. You know your shit!

Bend over, I'll give you a bone for your collection.

I was just shooting the shit about a quiz, not giving a cientific presentation...

But I understand your need to insult and be agressive with your boyfriend betraying you and all that, must be tough. Hang in there.
1 minute 4 seconds.

Clearly all you motherfuckers lied and said you're all martial-arts experts, who've dabbled in grizzly bear fighting, that are 6"4 and would after your arm has been bitten off - instead of being a bit in shock - take it out of the clenches of a three meter long extinct dinosaur with razor sharp teeth and jagged four-inch claws, and start aimlessly hitting it over the head because you're just that manly and desperately wish to one day have the defined six pack and glowing smile of that guy in the Old Spice commercials.

Get back to building backlinks, bitches.
1 minute 22 seconds

6"1 230 lbs. Boxed for 10 years and I'm trained in BJJ and submissions

And I was attacked once by three pit bulls while walking my dog in suburbia...
1 minute 22 seconds

6"1 230 lbs. Boxed for 10 years and I'm trained in BJJ and submissions

And I was attacked once by three pit bulls while walking my dog in suburbia...

One time I got bit by a spider and started being able to ejaculate webs from the palm of my hand.