I just made my first Sale!

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New member
Dec 16, 2007
Tokyo, Japan
Ok, now I'm excited. This is what I've been waiting for, my first taste of success. I've had this PPC campaign running for 3 days and was just about to give up on it when low and behold along comes a buyer!

Fuck yeah!
This is what I've been waiting for!
Thank you wicked fire, this place rocks!


Nice work. I still remember the first time I got my stick wet too. Rinse and repeat.
congrats! you really have to have patience in this biz, a lot of it is trial and error before you're going to see some results. glad to hear things are working for you!!!!
Well done on the first sale there, I was just as happy when I started to convert some clicks sucessfully - as Andrea said, theres alot of trial and error: more often than not you wont see immediate sucess, tweak, tweak and tweak again!
firstly, CONGRATS BRO!!!

Now i have a question, if this is your first campaign and your going by sales, isnt that a bit 2 risky? cuz most of the guys on wicked fire suggests that our first attempt should be working on some freebie stuff
I hear ya Xrproto, I'm already jonesing for the next one!
Thanks holrthnthou, good luck!
Jackeyy, the clicks I'm getting are fairly cheap and the payout on the sale is a nice size so I figured fuck it, just go for it and see what happens.

I have only just begun to fight!
I hear ya Xproto, I'm already jonesing for the next one!
Thanks holrnthnthou, good luck!
Thanks Jackeyy, the campaign I'm running now the clicks are fairly cheap and the payout is pretty good so I figured Fuck it, what's the fun in this game if you don't take chances!

Now I want more more more!!
thanks blazingfire, yes it did put me into profit, it's a small profit but hey, it's a start!
hey mason thanks, I'm from Canada actually but have been here for about 7 years now. It's a crazy little country man, the rumors are all true!
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