I just got kicked

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Nov 6, 2006
Idaho Falls, Idaho
I just got kicked out of mindpetals.com

this is why:

It was brought to my attention upon accepting you to Mind Petals that there were some issues
with you stealing code/design/ideas from other websites. Now, I don't know if that is true, so
I basically ignored the emails that I received from people about it.

However, over the past few weeks a number of people have been contacting me with other stories. Again,
I still don't know if there is any truth in it and I'm not one to pass judgment. However, since creating Mind Petals
I have always ran it as a democracy and if there is a concern from a decent amount of members/readers about your association
with Mind Petals then I must respect that in the interest of the community.

Stupid morals.. haha

I just got kicked out of mindpetals.com

this is why:

It was brought to my attention upon accepting you to Mind Petals that there were some issues
with you stealing code/design/ideas from other websites. Now, I don't know if that is true, so
I basically ignored the emails that I received from people about it.

However, over the past few weeks a number of people have been contacting me with other stories. Again,
I still don't know if there is any truth in it and I'm not one to pass judgment. However, since creating Mind Petals
I have always ran it as a democracy and if there is a concern from a decent amount of members/readers about your association
with Mind Petals then I must respect that in the interest of the community.

Stupid morals.. haha
Don't mind it.. keep doing your thing. Who really cares if you got kicked out? You might of gotten a little traffic from that site, but it's not important.
i heard this rumor about blah blah blah and you doing blah blah blah i shouldn't care but i'm a nosey blah blah, i have retarded users that bitch about everything and blah blah blah. I cower down to my own members because they have bigger cocks than me and like it when i blah blah on them. I'm banning you so please still consider me cool.

thats all i got from that email.
It doesnt look like youll be missing much!

Just think now you will have that much more time working on your own gig, or wasting that much more time here!
However, since creating Mind Petals
I have always ran it as a democracy and if there is a concern from a decent amount of members/readers about your association
with Mind Petals then I must respect that in the interest of the community.

That's gay. Let's all have a complain about someone there and get them kicked.

That's a stupid way to run a site.
Damn .. you were really hated there!

Sounds a bit like bullshit though, maybe the admin just didn't like you, so he decided to ban you?
I've been following the iamfacingforeclosure.com blog for a couple of weeks

that guy is a total sucker...idolizes richdad/real estate "gurus"
The founder of the gaypetals site sounds like one of those "guru" types that failed at doing his own shit, so now he does the speaking for cash thing instead. I wouldn't worry much. He seems like a royal queer anyhow.
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