I hate...

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New member
Jun 24, 2006
list one thing you hate and why.

I hate those small toliets that people have. The people that have them are usually bigger than me and I can't fucking sit on those tinny ass seats (when I need to take a dump). Get a regular sized toliet you clowns! :action-smiley-052:

I hate arseholes on public transport that loud mouth, threaten people, try stealing a guys laptop and beat him up (just happened to a guy near me the other day) and piss everybody else off.
I hate that I didn't get interested in publishing sooner. I started messing around with web design around my sophomore year in college, but nothing serious, just a little frontpage work. By my senior year I was pretty decent with html, dreamweaver, and photoshop and was thinking I wanted to graduate and get a job as a designer with a company or start my own small design service. If I had only came across publishing sooner and had been able to work on sites in college when I had loads of free time! I didn't even know what being a publisher was until about 9 months ago and I'm still a little fuzzy on a lot of areas, but I guess that's why I'm here.
I hate real estate and realtors right now. I just missed out on buying a house that was appraised at 48,000 over the agreed on price.

I missed out on it because mine was appraised low so the buyers couldnt get financing...the appraiser made all kinds of mistakes and is fixing them, but now it's too late.

ARGGGGG! Fuck it, I should be glad...it's just making me work harder.
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