I had a dream...


The Freeway Killer
Mar 1, 2009
last night. I went to the gas station to buy beer. I bought a tray that had 4 beers on one side and 4 on the other, and in the middle was a giant slurpee. Brilliant!

Do you fags dream every night? I swear I have multiple dreams every single night and anytime I take a nap.


the other night i had a dream in which an old wise man was offering me a piece of sushi, except he said it wasn't any normal piece of sushi it was magical and contained the lives of 1,000 haddock, and that when you eat it you feel the force of life of 1,000 haddock fish flowing through you.

i then ate the small piece of sushi and the next thing i knew 1,000 haddock fish were jumping into my throat and a massive river was rushing by me on all sides. then the river carried me away and i ended up somewhere different and a bear chased me then i turned around to face the bear and then it ran off.

it meant something i think. or not. lol
i once dreamt i was inside a pyramid in egypt and entered a chamber where i was able to levitate.

a few days i had a dream in which nicki minaj was giving me a bj. Had a big smile on my face when i woke up.
I use to fly really well in dreams sometimes, but when I wake up I'm disappointed because I realize I can't fly.. sucks sometimes.
You're jelly bc you can't dream

I use to fly really well in dreams sometimes, but when I wake up I'm disappointed because I realize I can't fly.. sucks sometimes.

Probably had some of those too, but the one I remember the most is where I could jump forward and kind of float for a while as if there was barely any gravity. Seemed so real.
i read until i fall asleep, not too unusual. my cue for putting the book down & turning out the light is when the 'voices' start. every night, it starts with with a mix of voices i don't recognize talking content i've never heard, underlaid with music i've never heard. i'm not a part of it at all. the voices/music are different and non-sensical every night.

i don't really understand how that meshes with the standard theory that dreams are a mashup reckoning of one's subconscious. to me, it feels more like the cracking of a trapdoor to something completely different before i get blacked out of the equasion, and i'm just seeing the edge of it. like flipping to a different reality.

i know, get out the hippie beads.