I got a disease

Ar Scion

New member
Oct 27, 2009
Athlete's foot. Had it about two years now. Tried all kinds of shit, antifungal sprays, creams, foot soaks in bleach solutions, etc.

Anyone got athlete's foot and actually gotten rid of it? What did you use?

Yes, I'm prone to it. Go barefoot, that will weaken it enough for you to deal with it.

Since I stopped wearing shoes and socks most of the time, I get it a LOT less. Now, when it does occasionally crop up, a single application of Daktarin is enough to kill it quickly.

Feet in shoes + socks = perfect, hot, sweaty environment for the fungus to grow. Cool, dry feet = no fungus.
Do you get fatigue and loss of concentration as well? Every time I've seen fungal stuff like that it's been due to something internal. If you think sugar might be feeding it read up on candida as it can often be linked.

If not then what others have said - keep your feet as dry as possible, keep your shoes off at work, change your socks a couple of times a day, go barefoot whenever possible, pat your feet dry rather than rubbing hard with a towel. Not that it's going help massively but it can stop it in getting worse.
I used to get it alot when I was younger and played sports. If you can get away with wearing sandals 24/7 - do it. Fresh air and sunshine. Sunlight kills fungus which is why it grows mostly in shady places.

If you have to wear shoes and socks for a job or social outing, load your socks up with baby powder to keep them dry.

And those OTC sprays work wonders, at least for the itching.

If your case is more serious, seek out a doctor man.
Get some Selsun Blue (Shampoo) and wash affected area with it daily (leave it on for a bit and then rinse with water).

A doctor told me this off the record and it worked.
They make a silicone powder for runners, put that in your sucks to keep your feet dry. Also wear socks and shoes as little as possible.

Use vinegar.

Vinegar has eliminated athlete's foot and dandruff.

Soak your foot in vinegar for 10 minutes. Do it twice, that's pretty much all you need.

yes it will sting. I like Apple Vinegar
Barefoot 24/7, dry as a feminist's vag, OTC sprays etc all done before. Will give the other suggestions a show.
I layer up my medicine when its no presc. shit.

1. In the shower, piss on your feet. Wait 60 seconds then rinse off.

2. While in shower, put on the Selsen Blue. Wait, then rinse.

3. Come out of the shower, dip those feet in vingear. Wait and rinse.

4. Use Tea Tree Oil like above ( I have this myself ) and wait and rinse.

5. Go outside for a while, barefoot and get sun and air. Wear Sandals for a solid week or at least crocs with no socks.

6. use the OTC spray shit and powder in your socks if you have to wear shoes/socks
See a doctor, get a swab taken, and it get it lab-tested. It could be a non-typical strain. There are many variants.

Then you'll get treatment that specifically targets what you have rather than an ineffective generic treatment.