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New member
Oct 7, 2006
I made my first dollar online last night. Its not noon and I made another. I got a 50% CTR. with 1:5 return.

PPC arby

ah, I love the wickedfires! warms the cockles of my heart to see 2 kids just getting along so well!
You're only making just over $3 per day, so quit criticising. :xomunch:

D-Day Plus 2.....

Today's Earnings: 2.34

and its only 6:39pm EST and thanksgivings are supposed to suck =) well off to make 50 more sites! WAAAAAAAAAAAAHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Got in touch with a programmer last night. The sites are taking me around 20 minutes to create so he's going to make a program so I can just type in the keywords and it autocreates it.

Out of my tracking so far. Some niche's are pure gold. VERY high CTR (50%) other niches are very low CTR. Its the exact same layout.

I've also noticed writing the ad in 7search is sometimes a pain. How do you get attention and get quality clicks? Do you prequalify them in someway or do you just get anyone and there mom with a mouse to come on in?

It was said once you get rates of 5:1 you should start expanding on a larger scale. My goal is by the end of the week to make at least $10 a day. Its can be time consuming at times. but my research shows alot of these niches Do not have alot of high daily payout but the overtime payout is definitely worth getting into.

Alright, time to stop the ramblings
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