I feel like making some software....


New member
Jan 13, 2008
What do people need? I'm itching to make something. Give me your ideas, if you have a good one & I implement it, you can use what ever I make freely.

Ideas are cheap. It's all about execution.

I'm mainly asking because it's hard for me to see other peoples pain points.

(insert my billion dollar software idea)

Cool, thanks, I just started a bank.
Ideas are cheap. It's all about execution.

I agree with you on that point, but I think that your question is pretty vague. If you were more specific as to what kind of software you were looking to make, I'd be glad to let you know what I think should be included in it. If you said you wanted to make a new keyword analysis tool for example, I would write down a list of 10 things that I think past tools have done well and 10 things that should be done in a new tool.

To simply ask for what to produce won't get you much results.
I agree with you on that point, but I think that your question is pretty vague. If you were more specific as to what kind of software you were looking to make, I'd be glad to let you know what I think should be included in it. If you said you wanted to make a new keyword analysis tool for example, I would write down a list of 10 things that I think past tools have done well and 10 things that should be done in a new tool.

To simply ask for what to produce won't get you much results.

Yo, ok thanks for the feedback.

Well my expertise is in spidering: I can write a mean fast webspider that grabs data and then mixes it in unique ways. I don't do keyword spinning etc, I mean 'mix' in the sense of "API" mix. (This is just an example) so for instance grabbing real-estate listings, showing them on a map, and figuring out what the rental cost is per room. Then displaying this in a colour coded manner so people can search for real estate by location and have a really good idea of comparative costs and then profiting on the referrals. Useful tools, not just articles.

I really hate drudgery and like to automate things away, so perhaps I'll ask....

What tasks do you find yourself doing repeatedly daily that you don't know how to automate yet?
Make a software that can make automatic verified paypal accounts and you will have good market in India and pakistan ..lol..
Make a software that can make automatic verified paypal accounts and you will have good market in India and pakistan ..lol..

Sure, I'd love to have their lawyers visiting me on cold days for cups of tea beside a log fire.
What languages do you know?

Python, C, dabble in Ruby, Lisp, ARM assembler and X86, Forth. I haven't tried Haskell or an ML yet.

I use Common Lisp to write Javascript sometimes :)

Basically: I program stuff, languages are redundant . Happy to write in anything. If I was going for a job, I'd interview for Python and C.
HTML5 Games GUI - Imagine a cross between ImpactJS and Unity

Legal SaaS - There is a glut of good quality well designed legal software in the UK. They are a bit like a CRM but they target the legal profession with its specific billing/accounting needs (and regulations)