I feel bad selling some info products


New member
Jul 26, 2010
So.. actually I have managed to find a good little niche on my own and made 2-3 sales of the same product.

Then I decided to request for a review copy so that I can feel better promoting that particular product... but it was a bad idea.. cause the product (an ebook) was like only 90 pages with font size 18-20, with 5-6 pages of content/intro/etc and DOUBLE SPACING!!! If you still dont get what that means, that basically means the content in that particular book that I was selling was very very little..

Then I decided to take a look at some other products on clickbank with gravity around 30-60 and asked for review copies too, and they gave it to me.. and holy all of them were the same.. ebooks with little pages and little content and meat.. I just dont feel good promoting some of them + a lot of information in them could be easily found for free somewhere else..

And also there are just some niches which I dont think it is really possible to cure your illnesses just from reading an ebook... like sciatia, skin whitening etc...

Is it just me or does anyone else feel the same way? how do you go around this?


Stop being a crybaby

Nobody is forcing you to do anything.

As far as "feeling bad" about promoting things that can be found for free, welcome to the real world.

Some people don't have time to waste casually looking for whatever information they seek and have no problem paying for it. So what you see as a scam may be worthwhile to someone else.

Go back to DP.
Oh my, aren't we a bunch of amoral internet marketing badasses.

Now here's the deal. If you don't want to sell them, don't sell them. There's plenty of legit money to be made on the internet. No one is forcing you to push scammy shit. If you make the decision to stay a bit more on the ethical side, that's okay. You might have to work a bit harder, you might have to get a bit more creative. Things might take a little longer before they gain traction. Nothing wrong with that, and don't feel coaxed into what you feel is ripping people off.

tl;dr If you feel bad about it, sell something you feel better about instead.
1. Get more sales to confirm the viability of the niche
2. Write or outsource good content in the niche that you'd be proud to sell.
3. Sell your ebook instead of shit ebook and keep bigger slice of pie for yourself.
4. Party like it's 1999.
I have been in the same situation. As others have said, just don't sell those products, look for something else. We can be moral salespeople and still make money if we choose.
Remember, do your keyword research, find what people are looking for, then give it to them. There is no need to go into a niche that you don't agree with. This is why I plan on creating my own product to sell from my IM site in the near future.
Also, before I promote a product I Google it and see what feedback it has had from people who have bought it. Also look at returns and reviews.