I can´t believe my luck...

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New member
Jun 27, 2006
After I spent about a month without broadband and having to go online using dial-up I finally got a new cable ISP and I´m getting some new projects going and now my laptop´s hard drive dies!
I´m using an oooold (pentium MMX 233mhz anyone?) computer with a bad monitor that looks pink and very bad and is giving me a headache.
I don´t know what I´m gonna do now since I´m pretty broke.
Fuck I´m pissed!

dillinger said:
After I spent about a month without broadband and having to go online using dial-up I finally got a new cable ISP and I´m getting some new projects going and now my laptop´s hard drive dies!
I´m using an oooold (pentium MMX 233mhz anyone?) computer with a bad monitor that looks pink and very bad and is giving me a headache.
I don´t know what I´m gonna do now since I´m pretty broke.
Fuck I´m pissed!

Damn I have an old 1,4 Ghz machine with 256 ram and I thought that was the king of worseless. I feel sorry for you, but a new computer better than mine is just $200-300 :D

Myself I'm gonna get a new pc for about $1800 as soon as that fucking PSU I want comes in stock! (have waited 2 months) :mad:

Btw, try and sell yours to some antique collector :rainfro:
Juicify said:
Damn I have an old 1,4 Ghz machine with 256 ram and I thought that was the king of worseless. I feel sorry for you, but a new computer better than mine is just $200-300 :D

Hehe, the computer I´m using right now is a 233Mhz pentium MMX with 96mb of ram. It´s running Windows 2k pretty well. I usually just use it for winamp to listen to music and for P2P programs. Your computer would kick ass right now!
The thing is in my country computers are not as cheap as in the US. A new computer (AMD 3800 dual core,512 ram,80gb) goes for around $700 here.Without the monitor.
I was thinking about buying the parts from newegg.com and building my own but a)they dont ship outside the US and b) I´m worried about the warranty if some component just stops working.
I´ve been saving for a new Dell that costs around $1000 and has a warranty in my country, but the shipping costs are around $250 and I have some expenses right now and not a lot of money.
Looks like I´m gonna be stuck with this PC for a while...if the monitor doesn´t kill my eyes.
Ben said:
I would hit up the local library.
Well I spent this morning at a nearby cybercafe. But there´s only so much you can do from a computer that´s not your own. I carry PuTTY, filezilla and various other must have programs in my USB flash drive but it´s just not the same.I managed to do some research and fix some stuff that needed fixing, but I dont see a way of getting any actual work done.
L146705 said:
how about getting a one off ebay? u can find some good ones on there

I´m not in the US. I´ve been browsing around a local auction site though(mercadolibre.com) and found some decent ones so I might just go that route while I make the next myspace.com :1orglaugh:
Some computer shops recycle old stuff. Might be able to find something in their back yard that might be a little faster or at least a better monitor.

I've got a 17" monitor with a couple magnet spots from the kids you can have if your near enough to pick up.
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Ebaying for a new computer?

I just put together a decent working machine for a friend at an online store (MSI mainboard, 3200 Athlon, Grafx and net onboard, HDD, 1GB RAM) for under 300 Euros.

With prices like these Ebay hardly seems worth the hassle.

And if it is only the HDD, fuck... get a new one for a few cent.

you can buy a new HD on ebay for $20 or $30

or you can buy one from me, I have 5 computers in my house but I only use 1 lol
DewChugr said:
Some computer shops recycle old stuff. Might be able to find something in their back yard that might be a little faster or at least a better monitor.

I've got a 17" monitor with a couple magnet spots from the kids you can have if your near enough to pick up.

Thanks man! If I was in the US I would probably take you up on your offer!

I´ve been thinking about how many computers there must be around in my country (Venezuela) that are as old or even older than this one that are still being used as a primary computer by some kids.And about how many kids don´t even have access to a computer.Not to get sappy but that puts things into perspective.
I´m not that mad anymore...I just need a decent monitor :1bluewinky:
I found some refurbished 17" CRTs for $50 that might help me out while I solve this problem.
emp said:
And if it is only the HDD, fuck... get a new one for a few cent.
It´s a toshiba laptop HDD. The laptop wasn´t that up to date either and apparently the older they get the more expensive the replacement parts are. A friend that had the same laptop told me he had to buy a new HD for around $200 about 1.5 years ago. I´m thinking about just selling the thing without the HD.
L146705 said:
how about getting a one off ebay? u can find some good ones on there

eBay sucks for buying comps. I just purchased one from craigslist. This is how you get a sick deal on a great laptop. You find out about the comp and negotiate on the phone. You meet up and do the following shady move. Say the comp is 500. When he shows you the comp at the meeting say, "Wo... I dont think I can do 500 for this. I can do 375 tops." The key is to make the person meet you in a very inconvienant place. Have them drive to you, they will almost always sell just because they are sick of haggling, driving, and trying to sell their shit.

- - - - - - - - -- -

If this negotation tactic helped you out. Give me some increased user rating or whatever ;)
Here in the US you can rent or rent to own computers/laptops. Big rip off mostly. If there is something like that there, it might be worth it to rent for a day or week once in awhile and work 24/7 to make it worth the expense! If its its several steps up from what you are use to, you'll get more done faster.

I rented a laptop once for a work retreat out of town. It came in handy for work and personally.
I´m gonna buy a monitor from a second hand store (17" for $50) and just work my ass off for the 2 weeks I have left of my very short college vacation.
The thing is working your ass off for 2 weeks on a MMX 233MHz PC must be like working your ass off for 1 week on a regular PC hehe.
This PC is pretty responsive though, I´m very surprised.I´m not gonna be running photoshop or anything like that on it but the basics (notetab light,Opera,filezilla,putty) work great. Good thing I know my HTML so I don´t really need dreamweaver.
Now that I think of it,I think I have an old Photoshop 4.0 CD somewhere :)
While I could not afford a new computer, I used a real old one. Fact is, a well kept NT 4.0 kept it running very smooth, even to the amazement of other geeks.

Keeping Win2K is a smart move, editing your HTML without a WYSIWIG is as well.

Good luck,

emp said:
While I could not afford a new computer, I used a real old one. Fact is, a well kept NT 4.0 kept it running very smooth, even to the amazement of other geeks.

Keeping Win2K is a smart move, editing your HTML without a WYSIWIG is as well.

Good luck,


I also have slackware linux installed on this computer which runs even better.I´m pretty comfortable with working in the shell but for some reason I cannot get a decent resolution with KDE.
IMHO, Win2K has been the best Windows release so far.

I also found this nice , open source,WYSIWYG editor called NVU that is working pretty well for some basic stuff if I sometimes run in to problems with HTML code : http://www.nvu.com/
dillinger said:
After I spent about a month without broadband and having to go online using dial-up I finally got a new cable ISP and I´m getting some new projects going and now my laptop´s hard drive dies!
I´m using an oooold (pentium MMX 233mhz anyone?) computer with a bad monitor that looks pink and very bad and is giving me a headache.
I don´t know what I´m gonna do now since I´m pretty broke.
Fuck I´m pissed!

That thing belongs in a fucking museum! :love-smiley-013: I feel sorry for you, it's been years since I worked on something that old.
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