I Am Legend Scenario in actual life

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Man thats nuts! Gonna start stocking up on Garlic now then......

Anyone else read the original book? WAY better than the film.
Mihnea: They're making those kinda of discoveries all the time.
One of the research institutes here in Australia is working on using viruses to limit cancers regeneration to it sculpts into a new limb... or something. Too technical for me, but very X-files chic.

Bam Bam: Yeah, when I got my PDA second hand, there were heaps of sci-fi ebooks on it, and it was one of them. Convinced me to see the movie. God damn I was dissapointed!
He was a legend for being the last homosapien, not for curing the bloody thing!
Stupid up beat Hollywood endings kill good stories!
Just saw a House episode where a case of herpes (temporarly) shrunk a malignant tumor. If I remember correctly it was the body reacting to the herpes that actually shrinks the tumor...so yeah it doesn't surprise me that they are trying to use viruses to cure cancer.
One of those books I've been meaning to read, sounds shit loads better than the film, which I thought was good until the zombies showed up and killed any sense of "what if..." by being way too cartoonish.

Compare it to any of the other post apocalyptic zombie films and it's crap... 28 days later - now that's a great fuckin' movie and the sequel is good too. If you haven't seen them check em out, no happy hollywood endings there. Hope the third is as good.

Not hard to be the best Will Smith film though, after all the shit he's done (bar Ali). At least it keeps him from polluting our ears with his cheesy pop music!
LOVED 28 days. Classic right there. I've been afraid to see 28 weeks later cause the first one was so good, you know?
I loved that the movie delved into the whole human psychology of a world gone to chaos. I mean it's supposed to be a zombie movie and the main characters didn't know if they should be more scared of the zombies or the humans. Love it!
i wouldnt have this treatment done before its been tested for about 20 years..... in fact i wouldnt have ANY vaccine (especially that HPV vaccine) injected into me until it has a proven track record....
Children of Men is one of the best films I've seen. full stop (period). Michael Caine is just perfect.... (strawberry cough :D) I'd love to see a sequel, if it's done well. Some sequels are even better than the originals...Terminator 2? Aliens?

Turbo' - 28 weeks is def worth a watch, not quite as good as the first one (too many yanks!) but still a good movie in it's own right.

I love the whole fucked-up-vision-of-the-future genre. The book is great and the mini-series was good, but surely The Stand is due for a decent movie adaptation.
I just read cell a few weeks ago - it was pretty good. Recommended read for all you cell junkies......

Did you guys know that a lot of early Sci Fi writers (ray bradbury for one I think) were afraid of technology? If you think about it - their job was to think about the future and technology to write their stories. A good percentage of them realized we were fucked and just didn't want anything to do with it :)
And some of it is coming scarily true... some of ya must've read 1984 and Brave New World? Both great books... but seems some of our leaders take them as a blueprint not a warning.

Done well, they'd make great films. It's prob been done but not seen a film version of Brave New World and the old adaptation of 1984 just looks so dated now.
Done well, they'd make great films. It's prob been done but not seen a film version of Brave New World and the old adaptation of 1984 just looks so dated now.

Gattica from what i remember kinda like brave new world and was good.

children of men and 28 days later rocked.... 28 weeks later...not as good...too cheese
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