I aint gonna lie people, LOTR had way better fight scenes than GOT


New member
May 18, 2011
New Zealand
I mean sure game of thrones had a little bit of soft core porn and a few swearwords here and there, but what actually made the 99% talking series any good?

GOT has more sophisticated character development than LOTR.

The LOTR characters are very much archetypal heroes / villains. GOT characters are far more realistic with complex motivations. Although I'm basing that on having read the books rather than just watched the TV show.

You're right though - LOTR has better fight scenes. If you prefer action, you probably won't like GOT.
I have a love & hate story with GOT. The concept is good, the acting is good, the boobies are good, but there is way too much talking! Sometimes I feel like I'm watching a soap opera. I just hope they listen to the critics and put more action in that show.
Well that's like saying Transporter has better action scenes than the Sopranos.

Hollywood flicks are one thing, but you can't really develop the kind of realism and character development that some of these series have in 2 hours. Also, when the action occurs....it makes it much more satisfying.

^Now with that being said, there is way too much talking in GOT. It seems like the show is building up for a huge war(s), so it might get better. If there is not some epic action on the horizon then I will feel shammed.
GOT is Game of Thrones which is largely a political dialogue driven plot. It is not really fair to compare these two just because they are both based in a similar medieval fantasy type setting.