Hyperlinks are not available


New member
Dec 23, 2020
I have a question for the admins

We just paid $46 and wanted to get the ability to create thread for our project so we can post hyperlinks. But that ability is not available.

What else do we need to do to get it?


Lead generation is a key process that businesses use to generate new customers. Business lead generation refers to the process of gathering prospective clients and prospects, as well as maintaining existing client relationships. Most lead generation strategies are designed around traditional methods of lead generation, but Internet technologies have allowed business owners to broaden lead generation services to include online lead generation. This new type of lead generation service like B2B Lead Generation Services | Belkins Lead Generator has enabled business owners to increase their sales through innovative methods such as appointment generation, lead capture services, online marketing and lead management. Lead generation services like Belkins.io encompass many different techniques, such as telemarketing, content promotion, pay per click (PPC), and email marketing. Many lead generation firms offer a wide variety of services, including: Lead capture services. These services provide a business with professional information on demographics and consumer behavior. They can help businesses understand what their ideal customer looks like, where they are located, how likely they are to purchase a business, and what qualities they possess that make them a good lead. This type of information helps businesses build targeted campaigns that will reach their target market, as well as optimize their existing marketing campaigns to bring in new customers.