Hulu is going to charge your ass

Hulu to Begin Charging?

While i do feel they were going to do this all along, talk about misleading people.

Depending on the price, i may consider staying. I would guess they would put it around $5-9.99/month
It's worth it if you really use it instead of cable, although I don't think the idea to charge would go over well. Hulu has lots of competition now. Even the tv networks are broadcasting free content online at their sites.
If they start charging they need to make it all commercial free.
I doubt it would be. You pay $65 a month for cable, and it's loaded with commercials. I never really understood this. It's understood that free broadcast tv is supported by commercials, but tv you pay for should be free of ads.
That sucks...I guess too many people tried to reform their pirated tv show ways by visitng the site. Oh, welll... I guess it's back to surfthechannel and other sites that stream crap from megavideo at no cost to me.
I doubt it would be. You pay $65 a month for cable, and it's loaded with commercials. I never really understood this. It's understood that free broadcast tv is supported by commercials, but tv you pay for should be free of ads.

Yeah but 99% of that money goes straight to the cable companies pocket. The NFL Network was trying to get Comcast to pick it up as a non-premium channel and they said something to affect of it would only cost 2 cents per subscriber per month (if I remember right). So you do the math.

It's nice to watch things on Hulu because it's all good quality official. But you can do just about as good using + subscription to Mega Video. So either way.
I doubt it would be. You pay $65 a month for cable, and it's loaded with commercials. I never really understood this. It's understood that free broadcast tv is supported by commercials, but tv you pay for should be free of ads.

You also pay $65/month for internet that's covered in berriez ads.
I wouldn't mind paying for it since they have all the latest episodes on it. I'm paying for Netflix now and their instant queue shit is okay but they need some newer shows and movies on there.
I'd pay more if they would add shows from more networks. Including AMC, HBO, and Showtime.
cable companies also have tons of overhead and terrible quality and uptime. and a complete monopoly here in brooklyn. FIOS is coming, but it will take years.
they should keep it free and commercial you to def.. then give you the option of commercial free for $6/month.. it makes more sense.

i wonder how they are gonna shutdown surfthechannel?
As I've already said on twitter, this is stupid. The networks should be paying hulu, not us. Reason? I have started watching more network shows during primetime only because I got hooked on them previously through hulu. I have a feeling this is quite a common phenomenon.
As I've already said on twitter, this is stupid. The networks should be paying hulu, not us. Reason? I have started watching more network shows during primetime only because I got hooked on them previously through hulu. I have a feeling this is quite a common phenomenon.

the networks own hulu (nbc, fox, discovery, disney). thats y they are gonna charge us and not themselves.