Huge new scam guys.. look out


New member
Aug 4, 2010
I just got an email from my bank asking me for my SSN and log in info for their website as well as my pin number. I almost fell for it too but then I realized I just stash all of my money under my mattress. Thewf. Anyway look out for this sophisticated new scam, I can see a lot of people falling for this.

I heard there is some new email scam where a Nigerian says he is willing to share millions of dollars with you if you help him transfer it out of the country and cover the bank/legal fees. Watch out guys! :jester:
I heard there is some new email scam where a Nigerian says he is willing to share millions of dollars with you if you help him transfer it out of the country and cover the bank/legal fees. Watch out guys! :jester:
Wait... That's not real?
Beat this guys - in the past month, I've had emails from both James Brown and Kofi Annan.

It's nice to see that running the UN hasn't stopped him from running the Nigerian lottery :)