Huge DB of Google Keyword Tool Data

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Sep 20, 2007
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I'm going to keep this real simple, since some of you are simple folk.

What I have:

I've scraped over 5m KWs from the GKT (Google's Keyword Tool). As you might know, it's a royal bitch to scrape data from the big G, but after sweating my balls for a while I've managed to crack it. I'm using it for my own shit, but have so much of it that I figured you lods might want a piece of it.

I've got all the classic stuff: KW, AdWords Competition Score (to 2 decimal places), Global Monthly Search Volume, Local Monthly Search Volume (where local = United States + English), Google Search Network Monthly Volume, and CPC. I also store the date the data was captured. It's all recent.

Bonus: I've also crawled the EMD domain availability (for com/net/org) for every KW. Booya!

It's all stored nicely in my SQL DB.

A visual representation of what we're talking about:


The Offer:

I'll give you the entire 5m+ KW dump (in SQL, CSV, handwritten or whatever) for $500.


You can give me some specific parameters (ie. CPC >$1, local searches >1k) and I'll send you 10,000 results for $50.

Buy, buy buy:

PM for me with your needs and let's talk bizness.

I'm down for 1000. Can you sort it around confidence / dating / relationships?

Great! I'll PM you so that we can discuss next steps. Unfortunately I'm not yet able to take requests for particular niches, so the KWs are going to be pretty random.
I got 1000 free keywords from OP, and have managed to pick out 3 - 4 domains that I'll be registering. This data itself is incredible, there's no way you could easily collect this much yourself.

Overall, highly recommended.

Some sort of trademark filtering, most of the highly valuable domains would have had issues with trademarks if registered. (Might not bother some people I guess).
I got 1000 free keywords from OP, and have managed to pick out 3 - 4 domains that I'll be registering. This data itself is incredible, there's no way you could easily collect this much yourself.

Overall, highly recommended.

Some sort of trademark filtering, most of the highly valuable domains would have had issues with trademarks if registered. (Might not bother some people I guess).

Thanks for the recommendation and feedback! Glad to hear that you were able to pluck out 3-4 gems. Imagine if you had x50 the volume of keywords! There are quite a number trademark KWs in the list and you're right that some people will see this as noise. It's a royal pain to filter them out.
Thanks for the recommendation and feedback! Glad to hear that you were able to pluck out 3-4 gems. Imagine if you had x50 the volume of keywords! There are quite a number trademark KWs in the list and you're right that some people will see this as noise. It's a royal pain to filter them out.

Yea, filtering out trademarks isn't easy. Even if you just grabbed the top 1000 trademarks in the world (I'm sure there will be a few lists out there), eg: domains that contain microsoft, sony etc and filtered out them - it'd still be a massive improvement.
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