Hubpages delisting and banning adult content

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New member
Jun 18, 2007
Dear Adult Author,

Since we launched the site just about one year ago, we have learned a lot about what our users want, and how to make HubPages a sustainable business. Part of what we have learned is the challenge of adult content and the attitudes of our business partners towards it on HubPages. We attempted to be a open publishing service, where authors are free to publish about any topic they desire. Unfortunately, we have reached a point for our small team that we do not have the resources to appropriately maintain and build the site to keep adult content and meet our sustainability objectives.

In the next few weeks we will unpublish all the adult content. It will still be available in your account for you to copy and paste elsewhere. We will also update our terms of service to prohibit publishing of adult content.

As a community, a website, a service, and a business, I invite you to publish Hubs on topics that are safe for all viewers. Thank you for contributing to the success of HubPages and I welcome your feedback on how we can continue to improve HubPages.


Paul Edmondson

Oh, well, the party is over, at least for adult webmasters. Just thought it's worth sharing.

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