HTML Question

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New member
Feb 10, 2007
I have a question with making a website and databases.

Basically you know with youtube how you can select the textbox next to a video and get the embed html code needed to put it on your site. Well I am trying to make a site with that same feature. my problem is the site does not like the variable that holds teh html code so it throws an error. I think it has to do with the html code cause when i comment out the line with that variable and only manage the other data (3 other string columns) it works ok.

I hope someone can follow what I said an maybe be able to direct me in a good direction. I am thinking I need to do something wiht the string or set it to something else.


What I actually am doing now is storing the string as an encoded string in the DB. Then I use the server.htmlencode() to converti it back to display in the textbox.
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