How's Media Temple's Hosting?

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argh, perfect timing! Just when I'm trying to dig about Media Temple too. Natekapi, seems there are lots of horror stories about GS. On contratry, seems their DV plans kickass! They are also pretty transparent, you can check their system status here: (mt) Media Temple - (mt) weblog » System incidents

Take a look and you will see GS got hit frequently.

I contacted MT sales to confirm about this and Tony got in touch with me. Here's what he said:

The (gs) Grid-Service is designed to provide multiple servers hosting your domain instead of using a single 'shared' server that is also the single point of failure. There have been, in the past, issues with the current (gs) Grid-Service hosting solution that are being addressed at this time and the new and improved version is scheduled for release later next quarter.

The (dv) Dedicated Virtual Server hosting solution does not use the same method of 'grid' hosting and is not affected by the previous server issues.

The (dv) Dedicated-Virtual solutions utilize a patent pending, state-of-the-art server technology that transforms a single physical server into a Multi-Tenant environment, that provisions several "virtual private servers", with guaranteed resources. Another feature of importance is the integration of a "Burst Technology" that allows unused resources within the Multi-Tenant environment to be utilized by other "active" tenants, so potentially, at a given time, your performance may exceed your resource capability, and it will certainly never be less than your guaranteed resource allocation. Additionally, the (dv) Dedicated-Virtual Server provides you with root access to install your own applications.

Please note that as root access is provided to you on the (dv) Dedicated Virtual Server hosting service there is no direct technical support provided by (mt) Media Temple on this hosting platform as we do not have the resources available to support every possible application you can install going forward. However, we will repair or replace, at our expense, any server hardware or network component should it fail.

Further guidance on what (mt) Media Temple can and cannot support on the (dv) Dedicated Virtual Server hosting solution can be seen here: (mt) Media Temple - (dv) Dedicated-Virtual Server : Support

The physical servers that run our (dv) Dedicated-Virtual Servers feature multiple levels of hardware redundancy. Including; a RAID 5 array, hot swappable drives, dual power supplies, dual processors and dual network cards. While these features don't guarantee the hardware will never fail we have taken many more steps than most hosting providers to ensure minimal impact will be felt in the event a hardware component fails.

The server also comes with 1 IP address. Additional IP's are available for $1 each per month.

Please visit the (dv) Dedicated-Virtual Server product pages for more info:
(mt) Media Temple - (dv) Dedicated-Virtual Server
anybody got experience with MT? Did you track your uptime with tools such as pingdom or something like that? I'm going to sign up with their DV soon, any feedback is pretty much appreciated!
Its overrated. I havent been on it, but almost put my WPMU thing and other database sites on it. Because the hype, marketing, and their website looks so awesome.

But a strong server (even shared, or Semi-dedicated) with another server doing mysql can kick its ass. And a lot more reliably. Their site sounds like if you need more power it just scales automatically. It doesnt. It is just marketing bullshit unless they have significantly improved in the last 6 months.

I have heard they throw kickass parties though. If you are more into networking with the cool crowd. If you are in the Midwest and dont travel much for computer parties I would get something real.
thanks for your input Drake. Actually I was asking about scability to sales dept. Here's what they said:

Unfortunately, that 'instant scalability' is not a feature that is supported from the (gs) Grid-Service to the (dv) Dedicated Virtual Server hosting service on our service at this time. That will require you migrating your web site content to the (dv) Dedicated Virtual Server hosting solution and also setup your same email addresses before you update DNS and move your domain name from the (gs) Grid-Service and place it on the (dv) Dedicated Virtual Server hosting solution moving forward.

However, once you are established on the (dv) Dedicated Virtual Server hosting solution and require more resources, RAM, disk storage space, network transfer, etc. then (mt) Media Temple can perform the upgrade, on the 'server' side, and upgrade your service to the next level of the (dv) Dedicated Virtual Server hosting solution on less than thirty minutes. Additionally, there is no requirement for you to re-FTP content or change any settings or configurations.

(mt) Media Temple can also migrate your established content and maintain the same IP address if you require to migrate from the (dv) Dedicated Virtual Server hosting solution to our (dpv) Nitro hosting solution.
What do you think?

Keep the inputs coming guys before I decide to sign up to something (or if you have better suggestion than Media Temple I'm all ear)
I initially thought they were shit, search WF for the posts, however having had a Dpvs with them for 4 months now I'm pretty happy.

The biggest issue I had was lack of additional ip addresses...they fixed that so I'm stick with them for some sites.
Damn....they make their Grid-Service sound so l33t. Guess I'll be sticking with Dreamhost, but keep the stories comin, I like to read about any issues people have had with Media Temple.

Dreamhost has its share of problems too. In fact, if it weren't for ixwebhosting I would have to say dreamhost is the worst hosting I've ever personally used.

If you're looking for better, more reliable hosting, but still inexpensive then go with HostGator. Otherwise, I recommend a dedicated from
Dreamhost has its share of problems too. In fact, if it weren't for ixwebhosting I would have to say dreamhost is the worst hosting I've ever personally used.

If you're looking for better, more reliable hosting, but still inexpensive then go with HostGator. Otherwise, I recommend a dedicated from

Damn....I actually like Dreamhost way more than HostGator. I had HostGator shut me down when I got dugg once, yet my stuff on Dreamhost has gotten dugg 3 or 4 times and was fine. I did have some problems with downtime over the past year and they screwed up my database once. But its all good now.
Damn....I actually like Dreamhost way more than HostGator. I had HostGator shut me down when I got dugg once, yet my stuff on Dreamhost has gotten dugg 3 or 4 times and was fine. I did have some problems with downtime over the past year and they screwed up my database once. But its all good now.

Dreamhost is shit. Unfortunately, I'm stuck with it. They really fucked over my debit card by charging 200 dollars during their little fuck up earlier this year.
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