hows everyones bounce rate recently?

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New member
May 3, 2008
my landing page which was doing fairly well with about a 30-40% bounce rate which i had previously fixed from a bounce rate problem has now seemed to come back some how and i din't change anything. 550 clicks purchased. 200 made it through to the advertisers page.

my conversion rates are great but im not getting anywhere since im losing nearly 60%+ of my clicks to bounce rate. my awstats tell me that around 65% leave within the first 30 seconds.

my content is relevant, my ad is relevant and i even changed the ad copy a couple times to test relevance for different approaches.

My website loads up fast.

My design looks clean and simple.

A month ago i changed the landing page to have a header and sub header to draw readers into my page which worked great and haven't changed anything since except maybe some small color scheme changes in the past but nothing that effected it in anyway that i know of.

Now im back to shitty bounce rate. I dunno whats wrong. I worked awhile on this landing page perfecting it over time and now it seems like it took a turn for the worse. is anyone elses bounce rate high right now?

How long has this been going on? If it has only been the last couple days, then it could just be that your niche 'does better' on certain days.

The niche I'm in sucks on the weekends.
about 1- 1 and a half weeks maybe. I know when which days are best for it so thats not it and 90% of the stats are from its best days.
about 1- 1 and a half weeks maybe. I know when which days are best for it so thats not it and 90% of the stats are from its best days.

Damn bro, don't know what to tell ya if it's been that long.

Maybe the economy is hurting your niche?
The 65% bounce rate is actually normal to me, as long as rest of the clicks convert well.

If rest of your clicks are converting and making a good profit, I say just leave as it is for now. If you change to much, you might hurt your actual conversion rate.
yeah, ive setup some sort of click tracking with crazyegg as well and i know thats not really reliable as a real tracking system the numbers are the same.
Have you noticed anyone else in your market using the same or similar LP template?

If you did well when you first changed it, you may have attracted some attention, resulting in others ripping off your LP design.

Then when the visitor hits your page, they may have already seen other pages like yours and think, "been there done that," causing the jump in your bounce rate.
yeah, ive setup some sort of click tracking with crazyegg as well and i know thats not really reliable as a real tracking system the numbers are the same.

I've heard of some networks that shave clicks.. try the same offer on another network.

Also go to: .. takes snapshots of your page in a bunch of different browsers. Make sure you didn't fuck something up. It saved my ass a few times. :D
Have you noticed anyone else in your market using the same or similar LP template?

If you did well when you first changed it, you may have attracted some attention, resulting in others ripping off your LP design.

Then when the visitor hits your page, they may have already seen other pages like yours and think, "been there done that," causing the jump in your bounce rate.

that makes a lot of sense and it very well could be but.. how do i fix that problem? the landing page i use right now converts at around 15% im sure if i changed it to get bounce rate i would decrease that conversion rate.
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