How you prevent other affiliates from earning the commision you deserve?


New member
Oct 3, 2008
Hi All, I became noobish again ;)

recently i got back to adwords aff marketing after a long pause.

I am using adwords conversion tracking, and i see lots of conversions but sales are barely braking even.

I do see conversions on my stats, but i guess someone else get the sale, i mean

They do get on my site through my ad, but then they go somewhere else to buy it :crap:

How do i prevent it from happening, what should i do in landing page to force these buyers buy through me??????


P.S. - My CTR's are very high and QS on most ads is 10, so ads are not the issue.

You are probably getting your sales snatched by people doing order page bidding on PPV. Most PPV networks don't allow it anymore but some do... You need to iFrame your landing page and host it on a domain that you own. That way instead of sending people to or whatever you link is, you send them to, and then your clickbank link loads in the iFrame. Give this a shot, it might fix your issue.
Just open up notepad and put this in there (replace YourClickBankLink with your actual link):


<iframe src="YourClickBankLink">

And save it as "index.html". Then upload it to your server on whatever domain you want to use. You can also create a sub folder if you want so that it is "".