How you make one of these???


New member
Feb 8, 2008
Austin, TX
Hello WF !! I recently lost my webdesigner. So I need a little bit of help. I can do some design so I will be ok for now.

Quick question, using the following URL as an example, how can I create the "pop up window" that appears on the page? I've seen this window on a lot of dating landing pages but still can't figure out how to make one for my sites. - Find Someone Today

Thank you very much in advance! Boobs below:


Skill. Study the code. If that fails, you fail to win!

In all honesty, if you want an honest answer be prepared to pay someone to do it.
I would use an Iframe and Jquery. There are numerous code repositories available to make the job easier, but in the end you are not going to get around an investment of either your "time" or "money".... It appears as if you are not a coder, so your time investment is going to severely outweigh the convenience factor of just paying to have it done for you.
Wordpress has plugins that do this. If you don't use wordpress but know a little about coding, download the plugin, see the code, fix and profit. Here is one to get you started

WordPress Plugins Pro
Did you actually just RECOMMEND an iframe....

Yes. I can't Meat Roll him, that was the next best thing.... a partial "Wild Goose Chase". And a word about ^--- plug in: Save your money and get it from DL4ALL*com or scriptmafia*org. That shit is not worth $39.00.

Better yet cruise Code Canyon and search "pop up". There are many snippets that will do the trick for under $15.00
thank you everybody for your help. I dont mind investing some time of my own or money. but honestly cant find one that fits the example as shown.

most of the links are for wordpress and I dont want it for wordpress. its for an actual HTML page...

I found something similar (fancybox) but it seems its made for galleries. any way around it? so I can make it load automatically when the page opens?
Yes. I can't Meat Roll him, that was the next best thing.... a partial "Wild Goose Chase". And a word about ^--- plug in: Save your money and get it from DL4ALL*com or scriptmafia*org. That shit is not worth $39.00.

Better yet cruise Code Canyon and search "pop up". There are many snippets that will do the trick for under $15.00

code canyon didnt give me any results for this??? just a couple plug ins for WP :(