How would you use this workforce?

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New member
Jun 26, 2006
If you had an access to a pool of relatively cheap labour force with the below characteristics, what would you do with it for your Internet business?

- 5-15 persons
- males and females aged 19-24
- University students and post-graduates
- PC and Internet literate
- good English language knowledge (but not native speakers)
- monthly salary of a full time worker - about $250.00

What would you do to cover their salary cost, office rent, Internet bandwidth and something left for you?

* Start a wiki (or other content site) similar to wikihow and tell them to get typing.
* Optimise for adsense.
* Buy a shitload of domains and generate topical sites with the data you've just created.

* Then spend 6 months figuring out something longer term.
start building small content sites.
get 1 made per day per person - all with unique content/design etc.
You can have a person make more than 1 day. Definitely go for 3 sites/day/person. One day a week is spent link building and blogging and forum visiting (with sigs) by each.
I would use them to generate content and to promote the sites online (e.g. posting no forums).
1. Get them to write unique / niche articles and Start a PLR membership!
2. Start link submissions service
3. Articles Submissions service
4. Banners and Headers Designs Service
5. Design Myspace Templates Service
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