How valuable is the #1 spot in Google???


New member
Nov 29, 2010
I was going to ask this question on the forum but found it on Google first; but I thought that I'd share it with WF and see if people agree with the statistics.

I need to do a proposal to my boss about investing more money in our site for SEO results.

Are there other studies or statistics about the values of being #1 in Google?

The Value of Google Result Positioning – Chitika Research

Google Result
Percentage 1
34.35% 2
16.96% 3
11.42% 4
7.73% 5
6.19% 6
5.05% 7
4.02% 8
3.47% 9
2.85% 10
2.71% 11

the best line you can drop on your boss, is if your site isn't on the front page for its keyword, say this:

"95% of searchers don't make it past the first page of Google, and google makes up 75% of organic traffic"
I dont believe in this statistics. 1st spot have up to 70% click through. Its like exponential decay after that. Its my personal view.
Well if you get the first spot for the term "how to have sex and masterbate at the same time", the 1st position wont matter much.
Similar to what most people have said before, but it depends heavily on the niche and the actual content of the listings.
There's a good article called "brand position strategy using search engine marketing" I found in one of the college library databases. There are some legit case studies and analysis in it, so if you have access to it you should check it out.
I don't agree to that statistics, but I also don't agree to the 70% of MyDosty. On my #1 spots I have a rate of about 45-55 % . But of course there can be higher %, for example if there's only 1 result found :D
Take half of the second position percentage and add it to the number one position. Then move everything else up one slot. In my experience the traffic for #1 is more like 3.5 times that of #2 position. Wars be raged here mon. Bottom of page 1 is worth twice the top of page 2.

No links to studies or empirical data, just what I've experienced.
I don't agree to that statistics, but I also don't agree to the 70% of MyDosty. On my #1 spots I have a rate of about 45-55 % . But of course there can be higher %, for example if there's only 1 result found :D
I have a site which has been in top 5 spot. Some time its in spot 1 and after month to little down. What I analyzed from the traffic is, I get maximum traffic when I am on 1st spot, and it decreases exponentially when top spots are lost.

It may different for different niches, career niche have another distribution system as people use click any thing on the way. They doesnt look spots and pages, they check maximum pages.
It may different for different niches, career niche have another distribution system as people use click any thing on the way. They doesnt look spots and pages, they check maximum pages.
I think that's an important distinction. Anytime people are in a research/comparison mode, they are going to look at most of the top links. So I guess positional value depends on the niche being targeted. As a general rule though, of course you would prefer to be ranked 1st.