How Uber Uses Undercover Passengers to Recruit Drivers From Lyft

In my experience Lyft has been superior to Uber in both the quality of service and price. Uber should spend less time worrying about their competitors and doing shady shit like this and more time improving their product.
In my experience Lyft has been superior to Uber in both the quality of service and price. Uber should spend less time worrying about their competitors and doing shady shit like this and more time improving their product.

I just read something last week about Uber scheduling out fake pickups for Lyft drivers and then canceling when the driver is minutes away.

I think it's pretty fucking lame.
I like it. I find sabotage and mischief extremely entertaining and fun. It's probably cheaper to fuck their competitors than it is to buy even more ads to bring in the same number of customers that they would have lost, so how can you not expect them to do it? Doubt anyone will really care anyway, you see all the commenters on that article acting like they're outraged but if Uber's service/cost is the best then people will continue to use it regardless.
I like it. I find sabotage and mischief extremely entertaining and fun. It's probably cheaper to fuck their competitors than it is to buy even more ads to bring in the same number of customers that they would have lost, so how can you not expect them to do it? Doubt anyone will really care anyway, you see all the commenters on that article acting like they're outraged but if Uber's service/cost is the best then people will continue to use it regardless.

Apparently you have never owned an offline business.
Everyone except the lyft drivers trying to make some dollars to survive on, who are driving out of their way and spending gas money to pick up passengers that don't exist.

Got it in one, Andrewski...

When it costs someone else actual cashola, the terms for an action like this change dramatically.

Think Wire Fraud, Restraint Of Trade, Ohhhh, several other bad things come to mind. Uber is setting themselves up for an epic assfucking if they continue this kind of shit.

Wonder what drippy-dicked little pusbag marketing genius thought this campaign up.
In my experience Lyft has been superior to Uber in both the quality of service and price. Uber should spend less time worrying about their competitors and doing shady shit like this and more time improving their product.
I tried lyft once and that shit was wack. I've used Uber and while I've only used the black car/SUV service the drivers have been nothing but awesome.

I just read something last week about Uber scheduling out fake pickups for Lyft drivers and then canceling when the driver is minutes away.

I think it's pretty fucking lame.

I do agree that doing shit like that is just fucked up. I get the uber hustle but when you are taking money out of drivers pockets and fucking with their job that puts food on the table that's low.

Everyone except the lyft drivers trying to make some dollars to survive on, who are driving out of their way and spending gas money to pick up passengers that don't exist.


Got it in one, Andrewski...

When it costs someone else actual cashola, the terms for an action like this change dramatically.

Think Wire Fraud, Restraint Of Trade, Ohhhh, several other bad things come to mind. Uber is setting themselves up for an epic assfucking if they continue this kind of shit.

Wonder what drippy-dicked little pusbag marketing genius thought this campaign up.

Yeah this can for sure get them very bad press if anyone in govt actually did something about it. Not to mention there are not a small startup anymore who would get a slap on the wrist. They are in how many cities with how many employees doing how many millions? There comes a point where you can still do guerilla/grassroots marketing without being scumbags.
If I was one of two contenders to be tapped by Google to change the way the world travels, I might be more inclined to underhand the competition. Can't blame them. Their biggest mistake is getting caught. But I can't compare their ceiling with that of a small business brick and mortar. The opportunity they're fighting for is way too narrow.

In case you've no idea what I'm talking about:

[ame=""]Humans Need Not Apply - YouTube[/ame]
Everyone seems to be focusing on the mass cancellations which no one can confirm was a tactic.

My question is about their recruitment tactic of hiring people to take (paid) lyft rides, chat up drivers and see if they would consider uber.
All I know is if I was the owner/CEO of Lyft and another company was doing dirty shit to me I would go all out and try to destroy them by any means necessary.

It would make their cancellation shit look like playing with toys.
All I know is if I was the owner/CEO of Lyft and another company was doing dirty shit to me I would go all out and try to destroy them by any means necessary.

It would make their cancellation shit look like playing with toys.

Maybe this is why you're not CEO of Lyft?
This shit isnt new, they are a taxi-cab business, it's competitive.
Maybe this is why you're not CEO of Lyft?
