How to words in [tags][/tags] Wordpress to convert?!

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Incongruous Juxtaposition
May 2, 2007
I can get this to work on one site but I am trying it someplace else and it is not working.

I am using a CSV import in WP (wfreview plugin actually). One of the things I want to important is something inside the tags function...

In other words I am putting

[tags]column x data placeholder here [/tags]

that way all the tags I put in "column x" will get tagged along with the other info that will go in the post.

The problem is that wp is not converting the info inside [tag][/tags] to tags. Do I need some kind of special plugin for this?!

Please help me out this is driving me batty!!

This is what I want to do but it doesn't seem to work:
Embedded Tag Thing allows you to put tags inside your content, wrapped in [tag][/tag] markup; and also allows you to add tags in the content body by including a comma separated list of tags within [tags][/tags] markup.
To Download
/plugins/ has the latest version.
To Install
Drop the plugin file into your wordpress plugins folder.
Enable the plugin.
To Use
- Single Tags
To display a word in a post as a tag, wrap it in [tag][/tag] markup (with square brackets!). When you save the post, it will be added as a tag; and when you view the post, the word will show as a link to the corresponding tag page.
So if your [tag]post[/tag] contained this sentence; the word post would show as a tag link the first time, but not the second.
- Multiple Tags
It is also possible to add a list of tags inside a post that get added as tags, but don’t display in the same manner as single tags.
[tags]monkey, banana, disco[/tags] in a post would add the three tags, monkey, banana and disco to the post; but not show up as tag links when you view the post.

(plugin in here: Christine from the Internet Embedded Tag Thing)
It sounds like the plugin simply creates a link to the tag page, and doesn't actually tag the post with that tag. You would probably have to modify the import code to handle adding the tags when it creates the post.
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